/ Attractions Rethymnon. What is worth visiting first?

Sights of Rethymnon. What is worth visiting first?

If you want to enjoy a relaxing holiday inThe beach of the sea surrounded by a fabulously beautiful nature, should be sent to the island of Crete. Rethymno attractions are prepared for tourists of different ages and with all sorts of preferences. It will be comfortable for the holidaymakers who prefer active recreation, couples with children, restless youth and elderly people who want to enjoy a calm and measured life, to stay away from the hustle and bustle. The hospitable resort of all will meet a cloudless sky, a bright sun, clear sea and sandy beaches.

Attractions rethymnon
Sights of Rethymnon can be divided intoseveral types: architectural, historical, natural, ethnographic. Of great interest is the Old City, as there are a lot of Catholic churches, Venetian churches, ancient baths, Muslim mosques, buildings built in the Middle Ages. The resort is ideal for vacationers who prefer to explore the terrain on foot or by bike.

Sights of Rethymnon are always evokeddelight and positive emotions, this also applies to the old port with the Venetian lighthouse, which is considered the heart of the city. Great pleasure is given by an ordinary walk along the embankment, on which there are restaurants, cafes and shops with all kinds of goods. To get acquainted with the resort, you should visit the Archaeological Museum, look at the fortress Fortezza, built in the XVI century.

It is best to start examiningthe sights of Rethymnon from the Great Gates of Porto Guora. This is the only architectural structure that has survived to our days since ancient times. This part of the city has an aristocratic old look thanks to the buildings of the Middle Ages and narrow streets. To relax in silence, you can retire in one of the city gardens or sit with a cup of coffee at the Galero Cafe near the Rimondi Fountain.

Crit Attractions

Looking at the sights of Rethymno, notIt is necessary to postpone for a while the acquaintance with the history of this region. The Folklore and History Museum has collected an exposition of ceramic products, national costumes, photos, historical maps, weapons, embroideries. Nearby there is a bakery, the doors of which are always open to visitors who want to know the secrets of baking local cookies. No tourist returns home without gifts, for this purpose you should visit the shopping street Sulayou Street. There is everything: cosmetics, local herbs, ceramics, jewelry, books, chic wines.

map is very good with sights
Map of Rethymnon with attractions will helpvacationers do not miss a place worthy of visiting. Enjoy the rest can be not only in the city itself, but also in its suburbs. For this it is worth to visit the village of Argyroupoli with a complex of waterfalls, Preveli, where the monasteries of Arcadia and Monis Preveli are located. To explore the Cretan landscapes, it is necessary to rent a car and drive along the Greek villages, lakes, forests, mountain landscapes. Rethymno will leave only the most pleasant memories and indelible impressions of the rest.

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