/ / What is famous for the French Riviera

Than the French Riviera is famous

The French Riviera is a coastline,known for its luxury to the whole world. It stretches from the city of Marseilles right up to the border with Italy. In this region are very beautiful landscapes, the clear Mediterranean Sea, with its many bays, but most importantly - it is here that the most luxurious hotels and penthouses are built. That is why this resort has become a favorite vacation spot for the wealthiest people, the stars of cinematography and show business from around the globe.

French Riviera

This region is a place where cultures are mixedsuch wonderful countries as Italy and France. Cote d'Azur, prices for recreation in which is higher than in other regions of Europe, first of all it is famous for a variety of resorts. Among these are St. Tropez, Antibes, Nice, Cannes, Juan-les-Pins, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat and Menton. However, among the recreation areas that stretch on this coast, it is also worth mentioning the tiny state of Monaco.

Cote d'Azur of France is a resort thatit makes sense to visit only in the summer. The beach season here starts from April and ends in October. In the remaining months, the air temperature here can drop to +7 degrees Celsius, and with it the sea cools. In the bathing season, it is not as stuffy as in the Asian countries, which is why the Côte d'Azur of France is considered one of the most elite and acceptable zones for recreation around the world.

france cote d'azur prices

Starting from the city of Saint-Tropez and ending with Nice,along the Mediterranean Sea stretches a series of sandy beaches. However, their width is not so great - about 40 meters. In Nice, the seashore has already been covered with pebbles, but for the comfort of tourists there are many sandy beaches. All other resorts, which stretch all the way to the border with Italy, are also covered with pebbles. Therefore, one of the universal and multifaceted resorts is considered to be the Côte d'Azur of France.

French Riviera Photo

Photo, souvenirs and inexhaustible memories -such a bouquet is most often brought by everyone who has ever visited this paradise. And in order for the rest to be the most positive for you, it is worthwhile to decide in advance with the resort. As a rule, all the stars and oligarchs gather in St. Tropez. Therefore, from there you can bring the largest photo archive that will remind you about the charming time that you spent in France for a whole year. Juan-les-Pins is the epicenter of restaurants, bars, nightclubs and casinos. Therefore, if there is a desire to lower all vacation and to the fullest detachment, then welcome to this noisy resort. But you can spend a quiet and mysterious vacation in Antibes, visiting its many museums, exhibitions and walking around the ancient palaces.

It is important to remember that the Cote d'Azur of France is closelyborders with Italy, so you always have the opportunity to at least one day to look into this country. Most of the guests of the descendants of the ancient Romans are those tourists who stayed at Menton. This city best absorbed the traditions of both France and Italy. And you, resting there, can simultaneously visit two countries, learn their history and customs, and, of course, enjoy the warm sea and first-class wine.

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