/ / Sanatorium "Golubaya Gorka" (Sochi): reviews and photos

Sanatorium "Golubaya Gorka" (Sochi): reviews and photos

Sanatorium "Blue Hill" is located in one of thethe most beautiful places of the village of Khosta (Sochi) - on Mount Big Ahun, which offers wonderful views of the sea. Prices for tours here are quite high, but also accommodate visitors with appropriate comfort.

General information

Popular since the Soviet era sanatorium"Blue Hill" covers an area of ​​9 hectares and takes rest and treatment for adults and children after 4 years. This institution was founded in 1938. In 2008, there was a reconstruction, building new buildings. The period of stay can be 14-21 days. At the moment the sanatorium is classified as a three-star.


There is a boarding house in the picturesque Black Seathe village of Khosta - a suburb of Sochi. This settlement is considered the warmest place on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The average annual temperature in Khost is one or two degrees higher than in other parts of the subtropical zone of Russia.

sanatorium blue hill

Visit the sanatorium "Golubaya Gorka" stands for people who have disease systems:

  • musculoskeletal;
  • respiratory organs;
  • urogenital;
  • blood circulation;
  • nervous.

Also in the sanatorium, diseases are treatedrespiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, gynecological, children's and "ear, nose, throat" profile. The state has 17 doctors of different specialties and 48 nurses. The pediatrician works only in the summer.

Therapeutic base

A climate favorable for recovery, warmthe sea and comfortable beaches - this is something that can boast of the village of Hosta (Sochi). Sanatorium "Blue Hill" provides its guests with a variety of curative programs. All the cabinets are equipped with the latest technology.

health resort blue hill
Guests of the institution can undergo balneotherapy,decimeter wave, microwave procedures, inductothermy, ultrasound, UV irradiation, etc. Programs on physical (yoga, massage, diet therapy, etc.) and psychological treatment (biological feedback and music therapy) have been developed.

Is in the sanatorium and its own diagnosticlaboratory. Here the parameters of carbohydrate and protein metabolism, lipid, water-salt and mineral metabolism, make general clinical analyzes (urine and blood), etc. Also in the "Blue Hill" it is possible to diagnose respiratory (spirometry), cardiovascular (ECG, monitoring Holter) systems, the musculoskeletal system (dynamometry), the nervous system (polysomnography, encelography), and so on.

Infrastructure of the sanatorium

To its guests, the institution offers approximatelythe same conditions as most of the boarding houses of Sochi. Sanatorium «Golubaya Gorka» (the prices for accommodation here, as well as everywhere, are quite high) has enough developed infrastructure. Holidaymakers can visit:

  • Sochi sanatorium blue hill
    Gym. The inventory can be rented at the rental office.
  • Cosmetic cabinet. For vacationers developed a whole special program.
  • On the sports ground you can play football, volleyball or basketball.
  • Gym. The room in which it is located is equipped with the most modern sports equipment.
  • Landscape park.
  • Billiards.
  • Tennis court.

If desired, you can swim in the pool, goin a sauna, Russian or Turkish bath. On the territory of the complex there is a pharmacy, a banquet hall, a conference hall, a library, a laundry. There is also a large parking lot. Children can visit a room specially equipped for them. There is also a meeting room for 20 people in the sanatorium.

The pool is filled with sea water. In winter, it is heated. Safety of tourists is provided by professional protection.

health resort blue hill prices

Services and excursions

In the children's room of the sanatorium "Blue Hill"an experienced teacher works. In the autumn-winter period, the conference hall can be rented for an on-site seminar. Organized groups of children are accepted in the number of up to 150 people.

In free from treatment, the sanatorium offers vacationers to visit one of the many places of interest in Sochi. Conducted by experienced guides.

Number of rooms

Guests of the sanatorium "Golubaya Gorka" acceptsseveral convenient cases. The old one (No. 1), built in the palace style (in 1965), was recently reconstructed. This building is designed for 138 seats. Each room has a refrigerator, TV and telephone, a restroom, a shower. There are also cheap double rooms without a bathroom (it is located on the floor).

Second building - modern - built in 2001year. It is calculated on 73 places. Rooms of improved planning (single and double) are equipped with TVs, refrigerators, telephones. Each room has a large balcony and bath.

sanatorium blue hill reviews

The third building (erected in 1996) is designed for 190 seats. In addition to the usual single and double rooms with all the amenities in this building, there are luxury rooms, additionally equipped with air conditioning.


Sochi Health Resort Blue Hill Prices

In the sanatorium "Blue Hill" a diet"Buffet". The menu is developed by experienced nutritionists and well balanced. In modern comfortable halls, four- and six-seated tables are installed. The dining room for the rest of the second and third buildings is located in the administrative building on the fourth floor. The dining room of the first is on its territory. Breakfast is available from 8.00 to 9.30 in the morning, lunch - from 13.00 to 14.30, dinner - from 18.00 to 19.30. The halls for eating food are equipped with radio equipment and televisions.

Organization of food sanatorium "Golubaya Gorka"(Sochi) (reviews on the menu in the canteens of this institution, it is worth noting, only positive) entrusts the catering company Fusion Management. The experience of this company in the service sector is about 20 years. Lunch, breakfast and dinner in the dining rooms of the "Blue Hill" can also be in holidays, and on weekends. If desired, you can order dairy, meat, vegetable, fish products, as well as various kinds of drinks.


Расположен санаторий «Голубая горка» на склоне Mountains of Big Ahun, with a wonderful view of the sea. Delivery to the beach is carried out by buses 3-4 times a day (there and back). If desired, you can go down to the sea and walk (15 min). The coastal zone, rented by a sanatorium, is small-peaked and has a length of 205 meters. For the convenience of guests, the beach is equipped with all the necessary equipment - locker rooms, deck chairs, etc. There are roomy aerariums. You can ride a scooter or a catamaran. On the beach, there is a café where you can order breakfast, lunch or dinner. There is also an equipped children's corner.

sanatorium blue hill
Sanatorium "Blue Hill": reviews

Opinion of holidaymakers about the boarding house "Blue Hill"basically there was good. If you evaluate this institution on a five-point system, you can safely bet 4. Especially the visitors like the location of the sanatorium. Praise and canteen boarding houses. The system of the custom-made menu, judging by the reviews of tourists, is organized very carefully. Many people advise coming here with children. The room for them is well equipped, and the tutors are really competent.

There is a sanatorium "Golubaya Gorka" (Sochi),reviews about which are excellent, in close proximity to the railway station, which is quite convenient. Arriving to the buildings, visitors can for 5-10 minutes. Go up the stairs up the mountain. True, some holidaymakers do not like the fact that the rooms can hear the sound of passing trains.

Отмечают отдыхающие и удобство номеров.The disadvantages include a stay that clean them quite rare. Wet cleaning is not done at all. The usual do not spend more than once every three days. It is also worth noting that the beach has a small resort "Blue Hill" (Sochi). Reviews of many tourists say that there is often crowded and cramped.

Price list

In general, those who want a good rest andmedical treatment on the Black Sea coast, it is definitely worth to buy a ticket to the sanatorium "Blue Hill". Prices for accommodation here are quite high: from 2000 to 4000 rubles per day, but you can spend time with comfort. The cost of the visit depends on the type of the chosen room.

How to get to the sanatorium

You can get to the village of Khosta on any trainnext to Adler. The station has the same name. From the Adler airport to Khost, there is a bus number four. In the village the sanatorium is located at the address: ul. Highway, d. 15.

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