/ / Electric heat guns: reviews and scheme

Electric heat guns: reviews and scheme

Electric heat gun representsa device that heats through the use of a powerful tubular electric heater in the form of heating elements. The fan is one of the important parts of the design. Hot air is not blown out of the unit, but is processed in a heat exchanger, thereby increasing the indoor temperature rapidly. The device works from the electric generator or the power supply network. The metal casing protects against corrosion of the highest quality polymer coating layer.

If you are interested in a heat gun electric, how to choose the most suitable device for your home, our article will tell.

general description

Electric heat guns reviews

Electric heat gun, reviews of whichindicate extreme efficiency and ease of operation in various conditions, usually have a rectangular appearance, while the shape of the heating element they have M-shaped. Devices in a cylindrical housing are equipped with a spiral-shaped heater. Such devices allow to obtain a higher temperature at the outlet in comparison with rectangular models.

Heating power can be regulated stepwisein a way. With the help of the built-in temperature controller, it is possible to maintain a certain temperature of the heated air at the proper level. Due to the use of built-in thermal protection, the device is not exposed to overheating. Work electric gun can occur in fan mode. At the same time there is no strong heating. Electric heat guns, reviews of which indicate that their design is well thought out, differ from gasoline and diesel in that they provide absolute safety during operation. The location of the heating element is well provided, it is placed behind a solid mesh, which completely eliminates contact with people.

Features of use

Electric heat gun how to choose

Electric heat guns, reviews of which aremostly positive, would be appropriate for use in any apartment. Such a device is absolutely indispensable during the repair, as it is able to dry painted surfaces as effectively as possible. This device will allow you to organize a dinner on the open veranda, even in a very cool evening, while the conditions surrounding you will be quite comfortable. But still it is worth considering that such heat ventilation equipment is designed primarily for use with a closed air exchange cycle, so the heating efficiency is significantly reduced if you use a heat gun in open space.

The choice of device depending on the size of the room

Industrial heat guns electricare used in large premises, for example, in huge office or warehouse buildings. At the moment, a wide range of products of domestic and foreign production is on sale, while the prices are quite acceptable, for example, for the products of the Resanta company.

Electric heat gun

Heat electric gun must be purchasedwith a preliminary assessment of the area and height of the room, as well as its thermal insulation properties. A device of small capacity of no more than 1.5 kilowatts is capable of coping with a high-quality room with an area of ​​15 square meters, with a wall thickness of 15 centimeters or more, and also provided high-quality thermal insulation.

When it comes to concrete walls and windows, notbeing a good barrier to cold air, electric heat guns are required, the reviews of which speak for themselves. In this case, you can choose either one device of greater power, or several weaker ones, which will ensure uniform heating. If the device is supposed to be used in an open space, its power should be much higher than the area of ​​the room that is supposed to be heated. This is due to the fact that in the conditions of the street the flow of warm air is spent several times faster than in a confined space.

Device construction

Схема электрической тепловой пушки предполагает the presence of well-defined components, but there are optional components. For example, in the unit there is not always a relay to adjust the temperature. Most often, the regulation process takes place at the expense of the operating mode switch exclusively. This leads to a change in the intensity of the air flow, which passes through the heating elements.

Electric heat gun scheme

If you decide that you simply needheat gun electric, some expert advice will help make the right choice. The first thing to consider is the allowable load on the electrical wiring. Any device in this category is prone to consuming large amounts of electricity. And not every network will support such a device. Some heat guns are connected to the 380 volt network. These devices are classified as professional because they can not be used in domestic premises. Thermal electric guns can be used in apartments and private houses, which are connected to a conventional outlet with a 220 volt indicator. Equipment with a capacity of 3-15 kilowatts can be used for permanent heating of garages, warehouses, dryers, as well as industrial premises. It is important to remember that it is almost impossible to heat a wooden shed, a large hangar or an iron garage. Thermal electric guns (220 V) in such cases will not work.


Electric heat gun can be mountedon the walls, with the installation angle can be arbitrary. This allows in each case to choose the optimal air flow. The device can be installed directly on the floor, choosing the most convenient place for this.

Industrial heat guns electric

There are electric heat guns, reviews aboutwhich speak of their emergency capacity, suitable for operation in premises classified as fire hazardous due to excessive dust. In addition, devices have already been developed that can function in a corrosive environment. They can be used to heat objects such as sewage treatment plants and vehicle cleaning rooms.

Increased moisture protection is importantcharacteristic, which has a heat gun electric. How to choose such a device? All the necessary information can be obtained from the passport of the device and its technical characteristics.

Principle of operation

Electric heat guns work on the principleconvective heat exchange. By means of a fan, cold air moves to the heating element, and then is supplied to the premises, while its temperature is already noticeably higher. Many modern models have a built-in thermostat, which automatically switches off the heating, if the required temperature indicators have already been reached, and then turns it on when the room air cools down. Usually such a thermostat is located at a certain distance from the device itself, therefore it shows really the actual temperature inside the room.

Type of heating element

Heat guns electric 220

According to the type of heating element thatused inside the gun, all devices in this category can be divided into tenovye and spiral. A cheaper, but not very reliable option is the nichrome spiral, so devices based on it have a capacity of up to 10 kilowatts. Devices with greater power are equipped with heating elements, so that the efficiency of the device increases markedly with safety. For example, the Ballu electric heat gun is characterized by the presence of heating elements of an improved design, which significantly increases their working life.


Resanta heat electric gun

This takes into account such nuances as aestheticattractiveness achieved through the use of two main forms - rectangular and cylindrical, as well as high-quality paint and dimensions of the unit. If the device is planned to be used exclusively for domestic purposes in a small room, a compact heater weighing 5-10 kilograms with dimensions in the range of 25-50 centimeters is the best option. If there is a need to purchase a unit of greater power, then you should be ready to transport equipment that weighs 50-150 kilograms with dimensions of 1-3 meters for each of the parameters.


If you thought it over well and figured it out,decided on the list of basic requirements and characteristics that the device should have, then you just have to decide and purchase the model that best meets your needs. The above recommendations will allow you to opt for a thermal electric gun that can work for quite a long time, satisfying all your needs. This device is good because with its compactness, convenience and functionality it is able to quickly and efficiently heat the room. External data heat guns are not in last place when choosing, so you should focus on them.

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