/ / Pink Lake in Altai. Two reservoirs of beautiful coloring - Burlinskoe and Crimson Lakes.

Pink Lake in Altai. Two reservoirs of beautiful colors - Burlinskoe and Crimson Lakes.

In the media you can find many photos fromfantastic pink lakes. They are located in Australia, Spain and in many other countries. But few people know that there are similar lakes in Russia. For example, in the Altai Territory.

Pink lakes in Altai

Two pink lakes spread in Kulundinskayasteppe One of them bears the romantic name Crimson, and the other is called Bursol or Burlinskoe. This is another salty pink lake in the Altai. Photos of these reservoirs do not cheat, the water here has a pink color and in reality. The saturation of its color and shade depend on the season and air temperature.

На берегу Малинового озера растет сосновый бор, complementary aesthetic and therapeutic effect. And the pink lake in Altai called Bursol is located in the steppe region. The shores of both reservoirs are overgrown with unusual beautiful flowers - halophytes. These plants are able to grow in saline soils.

The healing properties of the water of the Pink Lakes

Отправляться в путешествие на любое розовое озеро in Altai stands to contemplate this unusual phenomenon. The secret of the unusual pinkish color lies in the small crustacean animals living in the pond.

pink lake in Altai
The water in the lake is salty and hashealth properties. Here you can sunbathe on the beach, spread with healing mud. All these activities have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Water gives a healing effect. The blood circulation of the subcutaneous tissues is activated, the skin surface is leveled. Also, the properties of rose water contribute to the elimination of problems with the musculoskeletal system. There is still some evidence that the brine heals the female reproductive system. Is it worth talking about the benefits of fresh air and possible privacy in nature?

Recommendations for travelers

But also on vacation it is recommended to observe some precautions.

  • The sandy beach is mixed with salt, forming a crust that covers the entire bottom of the lake. Here you can hurt your feet, so better to walk in shoes.
  • Also, do not swim for more than 20-25 minutes per call.
  • In addition, you need to stock up with fresh water to wash off the salt from the skin. Or, in the case of a rest on the Crimson Lake, take a walk to the nearby fresh water reservoir, located 1-2 kilometers away.

The average depth that the pink lake has onAltai - less than a meter, the bottom is very flat. And the water is of such density that it can be compared with the water of the Dead Sea. This feature makes it a great vacation spot for the whole family.

Burlin Lake

The region where is located Burlin Lake -Altai Territory, but not Mountain Altai. The pink lake is located in Slavgorod district, 18 km from the district center or about 500 kilometers from Barnaul. It is also possible to get to the lake from Yarovoy.

Burlinsky pink lake in Altai has next tois a village Bursol. The main specialization of this settlement is Burlinskaya salt mining. This is the largest deposit of table salt with a rich composition. By the way, salt extraction here is carried out according to the original technology - salt combines on rails drive into the very center of the lake.

The tourist destination in the village is not developed, so those who want to relax can stay in a tent camp, as the lake is so much to admire.

pink lake in the Altai photo

The area of ​​the reservoir is more than 30 square kilometers.Its normal oval shape slightly distorts the bay in the south-west. The salt crust on the coast of such density that the machine can easily drive close to the water.

The maximum rise of water in the lake occurs in winter. During this period, there is no evaporation, sufficient inflow of groundwater is sufficient, and solid precipitation, contacting with salt, is melting.

Pink salt lake in Altai has a minimum water level in summer. Since evaporation exceeds precipitation.

Raspberry lake

Crimson Lake Location:Altai Territory, Mikhailovsky District, 1-2 kilometers from the village of the same name Malinovo Lake. Earlier in the village worked a local brewery, whether it works now, it is not known for certain. Residents of the village willingly rent out rooms, apartments or houses.

Altai Mountain Pink Lake

The tourist business has been developing here only since 2013, so lovers of leisure “savages” will not face corresponding difficulties and serious costs.

Добраться сюда можно автобусом от Барнаула до Mikhailovsky (400 kilometers). Or by train to Kulunda, and from it another 100 km to get by bus to Mikhailovsky. In both cases, you need to get from Mikhailovsky by bus to the lake. The surroundings of the Crimson Lake are swamped; the distance to the water is about a kilometer away in any case.

pink salty lake in Altai

The pond is part of the Tanatar lakes chain, of which the Mikhailovsky Chemical Reagents Plant produces raw materials - soda for the production of pharmacopoeial magnesium carbonate and copper acetate.

The surface of the lake is 11.4 square kilometers.

See for yourself that the pink lakes are a wonderful place to relax; here you can not just spend time in nature, but also improve your health.

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