/ / Seychelles - Paradise For Exotic Lovers

Seychelles - Paradise For Exotic Lovers

In the western Indian OceanThe Republic of Seychelles. This state includes more than 100 islands of coral and volcanic origin scattered in the ocean, of which about thirty are inhabited.
On the largest island is the capital of Seychelles- Victoria is the only city in the Republic. It is one of the smallest, but incredibly beautiful capitals of the world. Houses with openwork balconies are decorated with marquises and simply buried in greenery. The government of the country makes a lot of efforts to preserve nature in its original state.
For a long time the islands were uninhabited and serveda refuge for pirates. And today it is a real paradise for exotic lovers. Rest in this beautiful country is designed for prosperous people who take from life all the pleasures. Buy tours to seychelles you can at any time, since the beach season lasts there throughout the year. But lovers of diving try to come here in March, and yachtsmen and windsurfers - from May to October.
Going on vacation in this country, you needto get acquainted with its laws to avoid trouble on vacation. For example, it is forbidden to take coconuts from coco de mor. To take them out of the country, you need to get a special permit, the cost of processing which is ten rupees. Also, you can not export corals, shells, live fish and products from it and from the tortoise shell. It is forbidden to import weapons, tea, seeds of vegetables and fruits, seedlings, uncooked meat products, medicines, poisons and drugs into the country.
The official languages ​​are English and French, the local population speaks the Creole dialect, which is a mixture of local dialects and French.
In the local cuisine, great importance is attached to rice.It is a part of a large number of dishes. The most popular dish is fish and rice. Very fond of local people fried bananas, which here grows at least fifteen species. But in general the local cuisine harmoniously combines local and European culinary traditions. The influence of French cuisine is especially strong. And here, just like everywhere else, they like coffee - black or flavored with vanilla.
I must say that tours to this country are no less popular than tours to turkey or some other exotic country. To quietly go on your vacation on a trip, you need to pre-purchase a ticket and book flights.

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