/ / Where in Turkey is it better to have a rest with children under 6?

Where in Turkey is it better to have a rest with children under 6?

Despite the huge selection of resort countries,many of our compatriots still choose to relax the favorite and has become in recent years, almost native Turkey. Perhaps this is due to the amazing nature of this country, the excellent location or hospitality of the Turks themselves. Whatever it was, but when the question arises: "Where to find a first-class holiday for children and adults?" - the answer is unequivocal: "On the Turkish shore".

where in Turkey it is better to have a rest with children
If adults do not care where to enjoy themselvessea, sun and oriental color, then couples with kids have to bypass not one travel agency in search of the right conditions. Careful parents are looking for the answer to just one question: "Where in Turkey is it better to rest with children?" It should be noted that this country is suitable for all categories of tourists. Here there are both noisy and fun resorts, and quiet and secluded places.

Thinking about where to rest in Turkeywith children, it is worth paying attention to such cities as Belek, Side, Antalya, Kemer. First, there is always great weather. Secondly, these resorts are famous for clean sandy beaches, and for small children this is important, because walking on pebbles barefoot is painful. Thirdly, there are more comfortable family hotels here than in other parts of the country.

rest for children
Choosing where in Turkey it is better to rest with children,it is worth to choose 5 or at least 4-star hotels. In such establishments everything is provided for the recreation of young guests. In the room will be installed a baby cot, a restaurant or a canteen provides baby food, there are special small tables and highchairs for the guys. In addition, the hotel has children's pools, slides, an entertainment program and babysitting services, which is very good for parents who can leave their child under supervision without worry and go for a walk.

The best holiday in Turkey will be provided ifchoose the right time for the trip. The fact is that children do not tolerate acclimatization, they are negatively affected by exhausting heat, so you need to go in May-June or September. It is not necessary to sit all day on the beach, especially at lunch time, which can be spent with benefit: to visit the excursion, go to the dolphinarium or simply stroll along the quay in the shade of trees. Sunbathing is best in the morning and in the afternoon.

the best holiday in Turkey
It should be borne in mind that in the Mediterraneanresorts are warmer, but on the Aegean coast cool, strong humidity, and can blow winds. Choosing a place where in Turkey it is better to have a rest with children, it is necessary to choose the hotel located on the 1st coastline, preferably with a large territory, so that the baby could walk. In general, the Turks are very fond of children and are fond of them, but the best service is offered by hotels of such networks as Rixos, Delphin, Papillon, Voyage, Paloma, Amara. Family holidays here will be held perfectly.

In Turkey, there are many interesting places andsights, but it is not necessary to go with the child on a tour of historical places, for a kid it will be uninteresting and boring. It is better to visit the dolphinarium, water park, stroll through the sea on a pirate yacht or go to visit the huge sea turtles. Saturated with bright events, children remember for a long time.

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