/ / Italy, Livorno: interesting facts and places of interest.

Italy, Livorno: interesting facts and sights

Tuscany's largest port and favorite stopoverall cruise liners are a paradise for holidaymakers. Located in the bay of the Ligurian Sea, Livorno is called the ideal Renaissance city. The center of the province of the same name with a long history is famous for the whole world for its magnificent nature and cultural and historical monuments that all Italy is proud of.

Livorno, originated on the site of a fishing villagea thousand years ago, not for nothing called the pearl of Italy. A lively city with small streets is saturated with a special atmosphere of eternal celebration. He will entice each guest with a huge amount of entertainment and make him lose himself among the ancient buildings and picturesque canals.

Port history

The origins of the modern resort originate from the XVcentury, since the reign of the Medici family. The Grand Duke of Tuscany ordered the chief architect of the courtyard to turn a small settlement into the most beautiful port, and very soon the whole of Italy began to overshadow the city that Naples and Rome had eclipsed Naples and Rome. Livorno is recognized as the main commercial center of the Mediterranean, and after the expansion of borders, foreign ships enter the sea gates of the state.

Livorno Italy beaches

Cosmopolitan City

В конце XVI века принимается закон о religious tolerance, and the port becomes a haven for all dissenters. For Catholic Italy, this was an exceptional case, and residents of other cities in Tuscany reacted to this manifestation of tolerance quite ambiguously. In a cosmopolitan city, bringing together people of all nationalities and different faiths, the natives of all countries of the world will most likely find something akin to it. No wonder they say that only in Livorno you can find the most incredible cultural and ethnic combinations.

Livorno (Italy): beaches

Now the largest business center of Tuscanyenjoys stunning success with foreign tourists. In the city itself, the beaches are not very suitable for comfortable rest, and the proximity of the port affects the cleanliness of the water. However, in the northern and southern parts of the center of the province there are wonderful places for swimming, where tourists flock.


The settlement on the edge of Livorno is known far beyondoutside of Italy, and for good reason Quercianella is called the Tuscan pearl. The little village washed by the azure sea is far from the noisy port, and here you can completely relax, yielding to the charm of warm water and friendly sun. The rocky landscape is called the main feature of a well-equipped beach holiday.

Italy Livorno

Fresh air, friendly attitude of the locals, delicious Italian cuisine will leave an indelible impression on all travelers who arrived in a picturesque place.


Another beautiful beach located betweenLivorno (Italy) and the mouth of the Arno River, attracts thousands of tourists annually. Hidden in a pine grove of Tirrenia is not the best place for those who seek solitude. The territory of the sandy beach stretching for ten kilometers is adored not only by foreign guests, but also by Italians, therefore on weekends it is extremely lively. In Terrenia, you can go scuba diving and diving, and on the equipped sports fields to play tennis or football.

The most romantic quarter

For many tourists, beautiful Italy has long been a favorite vacation spot. Livorno attracts travelers with wonderful beaches and unusual sights, which will be discussed further.

In the port city, quite young by the standards of the country, there are no ancient architectural monuments, but medieval buildings are of genuine interest.

Конечно, нельзя пройти мимо местечка, где жили merchants. The quarter Venezia Nuova (New Venice) was created in the XVII century in the likeness of the ancient city on the water. For the convenience of unloading ships at the merchants' warehouses, artificial canals were dug, and new houses were built near the waterways. After the Second World War, this peaceful corner has preserved most of its historical values.

Livorno Italy attractions

In Livorno (Italy), attractionswhich are known all over the world, loving couples come to wander through the beautiful bridges of the most romantic city block and cross it by boat - the main means of transportation.

Palazzo Hugens

The residence is located in the center of Venezia Nuova.local aristocrats Palazzo Hugens, which once stayed the Grand Duke de Medici. A strict four-story building, often changing owners, was restored in the 70s of the last century. The entrance to the majestic Palazzo Huigens Palace is decorated with a balcony, and the covered galleries with original stucco moldings overlook the quiet inner courtyard.

Livorno Italy photo


Городская набережная – излюбленное место прогулок residents of Livorno (Italy). Photos of the well-appointed promenade with cycling and jogging paths, green trees, cozy restaurants evoke the idea of ​​amazing holidays.

At the beginning of the embankment are shipyards that playedthe main role in the economy of the city, but the main attraction is the terrace of Maskagni (Terrazza Mascagni), which offers an amazing view of the sea. The bridge, lined with black and white plates, attracts the attention of admiring visitors to the city. An elegant terrace is often used as a decoration for wedding ceremonies, and all the lampposts along it are decorated with bright locks, the keys of which rest in the sea.

Here you can buy various souvenirs with symbols of the city and works of local artists.

Livorno Italy

He welcomes all his guestsa country of warm sea, ancient architecture, fashionable catwalks and delicious pizza - Italy. Livorno, famous for its picturesque landscapes and unusual architecture, invites tourists to visit the city of high political culture. Having been once in a large port in the province of Tuscany, you feel a desire to return there again.

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