/ / Palermo, Sicily: sights, their photos and description

Palermo, Sicily: the sights, their photos and description

In the south of the island of Sicily is its capital -city ​​of palermo. It is the administrative center of the province of the same name. The city was founded more than 30 centuries ago, and today it has become a huge metropolis with a population of more than 700 thousand people.

Палермо (Сицилия), фото которого вы увидите в Our article is an ideal option for those who dream of a relaxing holiday on the coast and getting acquainted with the most interesting cultural and architectural monuments. The city is located in one of the most famous areas of sunny Italy - on the island of Sicily. They love tourists here, they strive to fulfill every whim of them, and the Italians win the hearts of visitors with hospitality and benevolence.


The weather conditions in Palermo are very comfortable forrecreation. Here in the year falls the least amount of rain in the country. The climate is very mild - with a short winter and long summer. July and August are the hottest months. The beach season lasts from late May to late October. Those who come to Palermo to get acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of the city will be most comfortable here in spring (March-April) or in autumn (October-November).

Palermo Sicily

Palermo (Sicily) - beaches

There are many reasons to choose a beach holiday in Palermo:

  • for locals, the word tourist is law;
  • the opportunity to alternate beach holidays with excursions;
  • rental of beach equipment and hotel rooms are not too expensive;
  • many interesting offers for those who like to relax actively;
  • private beaches with regularly cleaned sand and clear water.

Features of the service on the beach

You can have a great time on the islandSicily. Palermo, a holiday in which will leave an unforgettable impression, provides its guests with such a high level of service that you never have to regret that you chose this hospitable city for holidays.

Palermo Sicily beaches

Service for guests on different beachesvaries somewhat. It depends on what territory the plot belongs to. For example, the best sandy beaches of the city are considered to be the territory of 4 * and 5 * hotels. They will be pleased with a fantastic service to which you will not have any complaints.

Rest on local beaches lasts all year.There are periods when the weather is more favorable for seasonal holidays. Many tourists consider the best time for a beach holiday is spring and autumn. During this period, there are not so many tourists in the city, and the weather is warm, dry and sunny.

Rest for lovers of extreme sports

If you want to dive into the underwater world andTo explore the seabed, then you need to go to Palermo. The Tyrrhenian Sea has a surprisingly bright and diverse underwater world, which is admired even by outspoken skeptics.

sicily palermo holidays

Instructors give lessons in diving, swimming andsurfing. In addition, here you can rent sports equipment for outdoor activities. On the beaches of Palermo, you can ride a canoe or quad bike, visit the local water park with attractions such as one glance at which is dizzy.

Palermo (Sicily): attractions

Many tourists come to this wonderful city notjust to soak up the gentle sunshine. No one will argue with how amazing Italy is. Sicily, Palermo in particular, are famous for such magnificent monuments of history, culture, architecture, which have no price. We will introduce you to some of them.

palermo sicily sights

Norman Palace

Former residence of the ruling persons of Sicily. The palace today is the administrative building of the autonomous region. In our time, there are meetings of the Regional Parliament.

Первые постройки на этой территории - ровесники Palermo. At first they were Phoenician, and later - Roman fortifications. In the middle of the 9th century, the Arabs conquered this territory. They built here the Palace of the Amirs.

Palermo Sicily photos

At the end of the XI century, the Normans captured the territory.They restored a beautiful building, added some buildings - 4 towers: Leaning, Red, Joaria, Greek. Only the Leaning Tower of Pisa has survived to this day. The Norman Palace quite harmoniously combines elements of two popular architectural styles - Norman and Arab.

Для посетителей открыты несколько залов, которые receive guests only at a time when the Sicilian Parliament does not sit. Guides say that the most popular among tourists hall is Roger II, who was the founder and first king of Sicily. It was he who began to build the Palatine Chapel.

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin

Everyone coming to Palermo (Sicily)attractions are starting to be explored from the Cathedral - a magnificent monument of the Arab-Norman style. It was erected in the XII century. Until the 17th century, it was rebuilt several times, in connection with which its architecture contains elements of Gothic, Baroque and Classicism.

Italy Sicily Palermo

Here are the tombs of the kings of Sicily andemperors of Germany, during the reign of which the flourishing of the Sicilian kingdom. The main shrine of the temple - the relics of St. Rosalia (patroness of Palermo). Believers believe that they have miraculous power, touching them leads to the healing of seriously ill patients.

Church of San Cataldo

The monuments of Palermo (Sicily) are amazingly diverse. Sights of the city differ not only by their age, but also by architectural styles.

Sicily Palermo tourists reviews

The church is executed in the Arab-Norman style.Externally, it resembles a mosque. It was built in the XII century. The church was rebuilt many times, and in the middle of the 18th century there was a post station in it. In 1885 it was reconstructed and acquired its original appearance.

This building has an unusual shape - a cube, with threefacades (southern, northern and western), decorated with false arches with small windows. The parapet of the roof is decorated with Arabic teeth, and it is crowned with 3 red domes, which are typical for mosques.

The interior of San Cataldo is also made in the classic Arabic style. Of the interior items belonging to the XII century, today only an inlaid floor and an altar are preserved.

Capuchin Catacombs

Катакомбы капуцинов (чаще называют Музеем the dead) - this is an old cemetery, where the whole nobility of Palermo of the 16th – 19th centuries rests - the aristocracy, the clergy. The first members of the Order of the Capuchins were buried here. They moved to Sicily and established their monastery. Later, they began to bury their relatives right in the dungeon. The air temperature and humidity of the dungeon allowed the bodies to remain incorrupt for a long time.

palermo sicily reviews

Capuchin catacombs contain skeletons, mummies andembalmed body. There are more than 8 thousand of such "exhibits". They lie, sit, stand, hang on the walls, forming different compositions. This museum in Palermo (Sicily) gets the most controversial reviews. For many tourists, it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.

Pretoria Fountain

It has a second name, unofficial - Fountainshame. Its author was the Florentine Francesco Camigliani. It was an order for the residence of the Viceroy of Sicily and Naples in Tuscany. After his death, the fountain was acquired by the authorities of Palermo. It was decided to install it on Piazza Pretoria, where it is to this day.

The fountain is executed in the antique style - three stoneBowls are surrounded by statues of animals, mythical heroes and the naked gods of Olympus. Thanks to these sculptures, the fountain received a second name. By the way, the area where it was installed is often called the area of ​​shame.

Teatro Massimo

This is the third largest theater in Europe.The author of the project is architect Giovanni Basile. Construction work continued for twenty-three years (1874-1897). An interesting fact is that a hundred years later, history repeated itself during the reconstruction of the theater. It began in 1974 and ended in 1997, 4 days before the 100th anniversary of the theater.

The building is designed for three thousand spectators. In the concert hall, great acoustics, because the basis of the repertoire of the troupe became the opera.

Today Massimo is open not only for visitingspectators, but also for sightseeing tours of the building. In the lobby, there are busts of famous composers who are the works of sculptor D. Liva and his sons.

Botanical Garden

Not only architectural and historicalmonuments famous for Palermo (Sicily). Sights of the city include, of course, the luxurious Botanical Garden. He is one of the largest in Italy. Its area is 10 hectares. On the territory of the garden there are more than 12 thousand plant outlets. This is also an interesting museum, but in the open air. His prototype appeared in 1779, when scientists of the Royal Academy of Sciences began to grow medicinal plants on a tiny piece of land.

Italy Sicily Palermo

Gradually, the Botanical Garden expanded.In 1786, the construction of its main premises began - the central building, gymnasium, tepidaria and calidaria. Later an aquarium and a new garden for aquatic plant species were built. Now it is a scientific laboratory of the University of Palermo. The symbol of the garden is a huge ficus with roots of unusual shape. He was brought to Sicily from Australia in 1945.

Sicily, Palermo: tourist reviews

Probably, it is impossible to find a person who would be dissatisfied with the trip to Sicily. Tourists are delighted with the magnificent nature, amazing service, hospitality of the locals.

Many are particularly pleased with the ability to combinebeach vacation with interesting excursions. There is a category of tourists who believe that prices for accommodation are too high. But not everyone agrees with this opinion.

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