/ How to collect documents for a visa in the US?

How to collect documents for a visa in the US?

America!To visit there, to feel the atmosphere and culture of this great country, to touch the American dream - almost everyone dreams of it. To someone such a trip seems to be something incredible, far from reality. Well, the one who is more brave, dares to prove by experience that far America is much closer than it seems. You just want to make some effort. They will just be needed, and at the very beginning, when you have to collect documents for a visa to the United States.

documents for the visa to the usa

Do you want to go to America? Prove that you are not an immigrant

The process of obtaining a visa is not the easiest, be itEurope or America. However, in the latter case, the situation is somewhat complicated by the fact that many of our compatriots and tourists from other countries intend not only to look at American life, but also to join it (often illegally remaining in the country). Therefore, in the US emigration law, each person applying for a visa is considered a potential immigrant.

In this regard, the American consulate in addition tothe essential documents required to provide evidence that you in no way plan to stay in the country illegally. Let's see what documents are needed for a visa in the US. The list of them depends on the purposes of your trip.

For what purpose are you traveling? Visa for tourists

The first, the most common, is tourism. This will require a short-term visa type B. Documents for a visa in the United States for a tourist or guest trip in this case are as follows:

what documents are needed for a visa to the United States

  • Passport, valid at least until the end of the trip;
  • two color photos in 5 × 5 format;
  • a statement on your behalf with a personal signature;
  • invitation (maybe from friends and family, from business partners or from a travel company);
  • A certificate from the place of work, containing information about the experience and salary;
  • certificate from the place of study (for students);
  • documents confirming financial solvency (various statements from bank accounts, etc.);
  • documents confirming your strong ties with the Russian Federation (these may include documents on the ownership, marriage, children);
  • a copy of the insurance policy for the entire trip (preferably).

It is also necessary to make an appointment for an interview inconsulate, prepaid the consular fee ($ 160). With the completed application and receipt for payment, as well as the collected package of documents, you can safely go for an interview with the consul.

As you can see, to collect documents for obtainingvisas in the US, will have to sweat pretty. However, if you do not have any special circumstances (for example, informal work, lack of connections with the motherland and sufficient funds in the bank account), then it is quite possible to provide these documents.

documents for obtaining a visa to the United States

Studying in the US is difficult, but possible. Visa for students

Somewhat more difficult will be for those for whom the purpose of the trip to the US is training.

Так, для получения студенческой визы категории F or M it is necessary to provide the above documents for the visa in the United States to the consulate, as well as to be accepted for full study at the institute, academic (F) or non-academic (M), and have the appropriate certificate.

Why go to America? Other types of visas

These are the main types of visas requested by ourcompatriots for a trip to the United States. However, in reality there are many more. These are working visas (H, L), visas for journalists (I), representatives of creative professions (O, P), religious figures (R) and others.

For each of these types of visas,the specified documents for a visa in the US category B. In addition, it will require various proofs of the type of occupation, the purpose of the trip and the grounds. For example, invitations to conferences, directions from the organization, letters from the host party and so on.

visa in united states

Tell me about your plans, and you will be believed

An important point in applying for a visais the availability of specific travel plans, confirmed by an agreed route, hotel armor, tickets for events. Such nuances can be an important help in obtaining a visa, influencing the positive decision on its issuance.

And most importantly, what is necessary for a successfulthe outcome of your undertaking is self-confidence and your intentions. It's something you need to demonstrate to a consular employee in personal communication (interview). Convincing the consul that the goals of your trip are as stated, and the documents confirm your words, you are most likely to become a happy owner of an American visa. Most often the visa is given for a period of one year, less often - for two months (tourist), but there are also lucky ones who have poured a visa in the US for two years.

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