/ / Voronezh, safari park "Chervlenaya Yar": description, animals, interesting facts and reviews

Voronezh, safari park "Chervlenyi Yar": description, animals, interesting facts and reviews

Решив поближе познакомиться с животными, их a natural way of life, you should go to the city of Voronezh. The safari park, which is there, will completely satisfy your desire. The sea of ​​emotions and joy will be received not only by children, but also by adults. The time spent there, will allow you to admire the beauty of the pine forest, watch the animals, their habits and just have a good rest.


The territory on which the zoo is located,has unique landscapes, untouched by civilization nature. Therefore, the place of settlement of animals is very close to their wild habitat. Nearby there is a reservoir, which facilitates the work of personnel in creating natural conditions.

Voronezh Safari Park

On an area of ​​about 20 hectares, the "Chervlenaya Yar" -safari-park (Voronezh) was settled in the city. The address is: Semiluki Vyselky village, Smarodinovaya street 2a, "Plotina" stop.

History of creation

Back in 2009, this part of the land went intothe property of the A. Popov Zoo, when they decided to equip the subsidiary farm. Over time, management plans have changed, after it became clear that animals do not have enough space, communication with nature. Then it was decided to give the beasts more will and settle in a natural habitat. With the beginning of the first construction work, animals gradually began to arrive here. Now in this pine forest settled a variety of species of animals.

"Chervlenaya yar" (safari park) is located inThe historical place, which was on these lands a couple of centuries ago. It is here at the height that the two rivers merge - Voronezh and Don. It was called the Wild Field, and on its expanses there was a chronicle place - Chervleny Yar. In connection with this legend, the administration of the future park did not think very long over the name of its new zooproject. The menagerie began its work in June 2015, and the grand opening was in October and is timed to the Day of the Protection of Animals.

Living conditions of animals

Safari Park (Voronezh) is a modernthe zoological nursery, which is equipped with everything necessary for the maintenance, treatment and breeding of rare, endangered species of wild animals. Here for the animals are allocated large spacious areas for walking and arranging their habitation. The natural conditions created for them are completely close to natural ones: fields, meadows, ponds, greens, trees, flowers.

safari park

One of the indicators that our brothersthe less good it is to live here is the appearance of their offspring. Another function that the staff sets themselves is the preservation of endangered species of animals. With these duties the administration of the zoo fully manages. As a result, it can be judged that animals like it very much, and they feel very comfortable.

Walking in the countryside

Having left on a route: Voronezh - a safari-park, you will overcome a distance only for 20 minutes when traveling on your own car or by ordering a fixed-route taxi.

Upon arrival, it is only necessary to get out of the car, you will be fascinated: the cleanest air, the singing of birds, the rattling of insects, the croaking of frogs on the shore of a pond and quickly moving in the grass of a lizard.

At the entrance itself there is a large gate and, of courseThe same guard who will open the entrance to the Safari Park (Voronezh) in front of you. The whole journey begins with an ecological path, which has its name - "Tiguli". It represents a path, laid out of the boards, and runs throughout the territory. Its length is more than a kilometer. It is made for the convenience of movement through the forest of guests, so as not to leave the route and not get lost.

scarlet safari safari park

In the enclosures with animals there are signs onwhich contains cognitive information for tourists. Also, guests are allowed to feed animals, but the products must be taken from the house: carrots, cabbage, apples.

Almost for the year of its work the menagerie has become a popular place for family rest. From all over the region tourists come to the city of Voronezh. Safari Park has become a successful project of an open-air zoological nursery.


Local residents of the park are in specialaviaries, there are more than 11 species of animals, but over time it is planned to expand the collection. So, the first to open the excursion is a pen with mountain rams, or mouflons, which are constantly begging for delicacies from visitors. Then comes a family of Tibetan yaks, formidable bison, wild boars with mischievous offspring, nutria, Cameroon goats. Also there live horses, a few little funny donkeys, an amazingly beautiful spotted deer. In addition, here you can find a rare reindeer, with horn covered with fur.

Voronezh safari park distance

In a separately presented zone under the name"Birdyard" settled domesticated birds - roosters and chickens. And still, walking in the park, you will certainly meet beavers living on the banks of the reservoir, squirrel, marten, hedgehogs. You can also see graceful swans, white storks, ducks, mallard, jay, and black-headed gull. All these animals settled in the pine forest and complemented the overall picture of the nursery.

On the solemn day of the opening of the zoo, a female lama was brought here. She was placed in a new pen with a male to create offspring.

Entertainment on vacation

You decide to leave the noisy metropolis, itsdusty, gas-filled streets, briefly leaving the city of Voronezh? Safari Park "Scarlet Yar" will give you the opportunity to quietly enjoy the beauty of nature and the purest air of pine forest.

Walking and looking at all the animals, you canvisit a beautiful place, which is located on the shore of a reservoir called "Glade of stumps". This is where tourists like to come and organize photo sessions with driftwood, which are beautifully and unpretentiously scattered all over the lawn.

scarlet safari park Voronezh address

The administration also took care of the entertainment.for visiting guests. There are gazebos with benches throughout the kennel territory. They are made of natural wood and very harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape.

The landmark is very famous here -The stupa of Baba Yaga, which has become a symbol of the park and gathers around itself many who wish to take a photo against its background. In addition, you can ride horses.

Weekend trip

Nowadays, the tourism business is developing.very fast. In order not to be bored at the weekend at home, you only need to decide where it is best to go. A very good solution is a family excursion to a safari park. From Voronezh, you will not spend much time on the road, and the children will not get tired on the way, which will allow them to feel cheerful in nature.

Excursion to the safari park from Voronezh

When planning your trip, it is worth remembering thatthe zoo nursery works only three times a week: Friday, Saturday, Sunday - from 10 to 18 hours. Children under seven years of age enter the grounds free of charge. Also in the cold season there are always happy to see guests.

Animal stories

Zoo staff tell curious guestsvery exciting cases from the life of their wards. So, a very tangled story in the family of Cameroon goats. They have a real love triangle: no one knows who the female individual will choose after all, but the offspring is slowly growing.

But in the pen of the Tibetan yak dynasty a complete family idyll reigns, and the baby grows up healthy, he likes to chew hay.

Terrible bison surround their heir bigcare, love and attention. The head of the family is always alert and does not allow outsiders to enter their territory. At the slightest danger, he is ready to protect his cub.


Impressions of visitors are very positive.I like the large territory of the park, a picturesque place, beautiful and majestic pines, fresh air, a reservoir. I am glad that the administration took care of the guests and arranged recreation places. In the enclosures there is always order, the animals are well-groomed.

route voronezh safari park Lipetsk region

Конечно, если вы желаете более масштабной walking around the zoo in the open, then you should find yourself a different route: Voronezh - safari park (Lipetsk region). This place will certainly surprise with its scope and the number of animals represented in it. Therefore, the only minus of the Chervlyoniy Yar animal farm is a small number of represented animals. However, it can not even be reproached, because it has just opened, and with time the number of its inhabitants will necessarily increase.

If you have planned a weekend trip to the city of Voronezh, a safari park will be a very good choice for a holiday - a lot of impressions and emotions are provided to you.

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