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Travel to the UAE: reviews of tourists

The number of popular world resort countries includesUnited Arab Emirates. But what attracts tourists to this hot zone with desert landscapes? At first glance, an unattractive country is full of interesting places that you can discover for yourself by visiting the UAE. The responses of tourists reflect, to a great extent, the extraordinary delight and warm impressions received when visiting this amazing state. The purest sandy beaches and refreshing sea waters, ancient sights that cause genuine interest - this is an incomplete list of those things for which it is worth visiting this desert state.

Climate and geography

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Эта страна представляет собой федерацию из семи Emirates: Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah, Ajman, Sharjah, Umm al-Quwain, Fujairah and Abu Dhabi. The name of the latter is also the capital city of the UAE. Reviews of tourists about this amazing metropolis are different: someone is struck by a combination of urban landscapes with images of ancient minarets and small alleys, and there are those who are simply crazy about the vastnesses of boundless deserts.

Эмираты занимают северо-восток Аравийского peninsula, their coasts are washed by the waters of the Persian Gulf. On the east side, with them borders the state of Oman, and from the south and west adjoins Saudi Arabia. The climate here is hot - tropical dry. Precipitation is about 100 mm per year. The most optimal temperature for rest is observed in winter - about 23 ° С. In the summer, about 40-45 ° C, in open places the thermometer's column reaches 50 ° C.


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One of the main attractions of thismany countries consider the very territory of the UAE. Reviews of tourists about this unique corner of the Earth contain such a comparison: "Like fairy-tale landscapes from the magical books of Hauft, the sheiks, minarets, sands and the sea appear before the travelers in the sands of Arabia ...".

Арабские эмираты имеют множество культурных мест, which are worth a visit. For example, the capital city is famous for its ancient mosques, which are known for their rich historical past. During the excursions, tourists are usually invited to visit museums, make yachts, and rest on the beaches is taken for granted.

Helpful Tips

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For those who decided to visit the UAE, the feedback of tourists is important. It is also better to take note of several tips of this content:

  • If you want to go diving and othersKinds of sports entertainments in open spaces of the sea, it is better to go to Fujaira. Here you can admire the most beautiful coral formations, swim on the wave and get a lot of pleasant impressions.
  • For those who want to improve their health, it would be nice to visit Ajman, where sources with curative mineral waters are concentrated.
  • Можно также сделать круиз по всем Эмиратам.At the same time, the travel in the carriage compartment costs 4 dhrams (about 1 dollar). You can also rent a car. Holidays in the UAE (reviews of tourists about this region are almost always positive) is very interesting, if you choose a suitable route for yourself.
  • Ras Al Khaimah is the region of hot springs, here you can also strengthen your health.
  • Despite the fact that the influence of European countries in thethis state is already quite palpable, yet you do not need to relax. In public places you can not smoke and drink alcoholic beverages. Also there is a dress code: you can sunbathe only by the pool in swimsuits, you can not walk in open clothes and so on.

You can relax in the UAE, reviews of tourists(Sharjah, to the note, is considered the most international mountain, since here the first church of the holy Apostle Philip is built in this region) have a variety of recommendations that differ and divergent in choice in directions. But, of course, it is better to read a hundred times, it is better to see once, therefore, if possible, it is worthwhile to get out by the whole family to this country - so amazing and extraordinary.

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