/ / Route St. Petersburg - Tver: how to get there?

Route St. Petersburg - Tver: how to get to?

The direction of St. Petersburg-Tver is one of the most attractive destinations for trips. The road is relatively short, the roads are good, there are variants of different price categories.

St. Petersburg - Tver

On your own car

Getting to St. Petersburg from Tver by car is not so difficult. The journey from one city to another takes about 8 hours. The cost of the trip will be from 1,700 to 3,000 Russian rubles.

The car route lies through the tracks,passing through Nizhny Novgorod. You start to go on the highway E105, then turn to M10. The total kilometer of the route will be approximately 553 kilometers. If you do not stop anywhere, you will spend only 7 hours on the road.

Another option is to use the Bla serviceBla Car. It helps drivers and fellow travelers find each other. Let's say you are going to another city. To somehow repel gasoline costs, you can find a person who also needs to get to this city. You ask him for a minimum payment, usually lower than a train or bus. You stay in the black, because you got some money for gasoline, and the fellow traveler is pleased that he has made it with comfort for a smaller fee.

St. Petersburg - Tver by car

A trip from St. Petersburg to Tver will takeabout 9 hours. At the same time, for a "ticket" you will pay about 700 rubles. Of all the options offered in this article Bla Bla Car - the most budgetary. According to service statistics, cars are sent about four times a day.


From Tver to St. Petersburg, the bus runs infrequently, only twice a week, so if you are going on a trip, take care of buying tickets in advance.

The journey will take longer thansimilar route by bus. You will spend about 13 hours on the road. The average ticket will cost you 1000 rubles. If you use the services of the popular carrier Busfor, then pay about 900 rubles.

Tver - St. Petersburg bus

Through Tver to St. Petersburgbuses. Their cost is roughly the same - about 1000 rubles. At this time you will spend less time: from 7 to 9 hours. Some buses pass daily, so often call the control tower of the bus station and ask about the availability of tickets for buses.

Train is an option for the hasty

The distance from Tver to St. Petersburg is about 542 kilometers, there is an opportunity to pass it in only four hours. In this case, you do not even have to pay a lot of money for air tickets!

Such services are provided by the railwaycarrier INT-Schnelzug. Trains go straight to Tver and depart from the main railway station of St. Petersburg. At the moment the team leaves at 13.00, 13.10 and 15.00. The cost of tickets varies from 940 to 2 300 Russian rubles.

If you are not on the train for some reason, you can choose a route with transplants. It starts moving at 15.10. You are traveling to Okulovka by train INT-Schnellzug, the journey takes an hour and a half.

Distance Tver - St. Petersburg

Then in Okulovka you change to a trainfirm D-Train, which goes to Tver. He sends it at 16.40, the road takes about two and a half hours. At the same time in the reserved seat the minimum ticket price is 940 rubles, and in the compartment prices start from 2 300 rubles.

By air

Strangely enough, to get from St. Petersburg toTver it is possible and by air. For example, you can fly to Moscow, and from there take a train to Tver. The ticket for the plane will cost from 1,800 to 14,000 rubles. On the road you will spend 1 hour and 15 minutes.

After that you go to the Belorussky railway station,from where every three hours the train "Peregrine Falcon" departs. Travel time is only one hour. At the same time, the ticket will cost from 650 to 1,200 rubles. As a result, you will spend 5.5 hours on the road and the amount ranging from 2 600 to 15 500 Russian rubles. Of the total time about two hours you will spend on a transfer.

At the same time, the cost of moving depends onwhich Moscow airport you arrive at. For example, the cheapest option is Sheremetyevo. The total cost of the trip can be 2 600 rubles. The next option is the landing in Vnukovo. Be prepared to spend at least 3,000 rubles and 6 hours on the trip. If you land in Domodedovo, the cost of the trip will also start from 3,000 rubles.

How to get from the airport to Moscow?

From the airport "Sheremetyevo" to the BelorussianThe train station can be reached by the Aero Shuttle train. Pros - no traffic jams and a comfortable journey. On the road you will spend only half an hour, and spend about 60 rubles per ticket. The train departs every half hour.

If you land in Domodedovo,use the Aeroexpress. The road to the city center takes about 46 minutes, trains depart every half hour. However, be prepared to pay more here: a one way ticket will cost about 500 rubles.

From the "Vnukovo" to the center is also aeroexpress. The trip will cost 500 rubles, the duration of the trip will be 38 minutes.

As you can see, ways to get fromThere are a lot of St. Petersburg in Tver. All of them vary in price and duration. When planning a trip, choose the option that will be most optimal for you, then the trip will be as comfortable as possible and will not bring inconvenience.

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