/ / Rectangular kitchen design: features, interesting ideas and recommendations

Rectangular kitchen design: features, interesting ideas and recommendations

Often, the design of the kitchen in the apartment causesowners a lot of problems. As a rule, this is due to the size of the room, its shape, degree of illumination. Every hostess wants to see this room cozy, modern and as functional as possible. But sometimes it seems that the main obstacle to achieving this goal is a rectangular, slightly elongated shape.

rectangular kitchen design

Modern designers do not agree with this.statement. They believe that today interesting designs of rectangular kitchen design have been developed. In this article we will acquaint you with some recommendations and tips on the design of such a room.


Design rectangular kitchen 11 square.m and more appropriate to make out using the method of zoning. As a rule, it is a dining area, a cooking surface and a sink. For this purpose, multi-level ceilings, various floor coverings, furniture placement. Different colors are allowed. In this case, the rules are simple and traditional: in a large area, darker shades of walls and light furniture are allowed. In a small room welcome darker furniture on the background of light walls. Zoning is very effective using a small podium, which will highlight one of the kitchen areas. Most often this is the place where the dining table is located.

The design of a rectangular kitchen requires a special approach to the placement of lamps. We will discuss this below.

Narrow kitchen

The design of the kitchen is rectangular, and also rather narrow, has its own characteristics. First of all, you need to think about transforming mobile furniture for such a room.

design of rectangular living room kitchen

If there is a window opening on the end wall,then it is necessary to use. By expanding the window sill to the desired size, you can get an excellent cutting table, and under it can accommodate storage areas. This method will help to free the passage.

Design rectangular kitchen living room

Modern materials and the latest designdevelopments will help to drastically change the space, including the kitchen. One of the variants of such a reconstruction is the combination of two rooms, which are designed in the same style. This method is especially justified for small-sized apartments, when it is necessary to create a multifunctional and volumetric space.

If you are not satisfied with your littlerectangular kitchen, think about redevelopment. The partition between the living room and the dining room can be moved or removed completely. Nowadays, open kitchens that combine with or integrate into living space are very popular.

 8 square meters rectangular kitchen design

В этом случае кухню не следует загромождать accessories on the walls. It must be done in warm pastel colors. For the living room pick up darker shades. In this case, natural stone on the walls or an additional artificial plasterboard structure can serve as a decor. In the kitchen, decorative plaster is appropriate.


Floor level can be addressedproblems of zoning the living room and kitchen. Using different materials and textures it is easy to create the impression of different rooms. In the kitchen area most often used cleaning coatings - porcelain, tile, linoleum. The living room should be more warm and cozy, so it is appropriate laminate flooring, carpeting.

How to place lights?

Consider lighting the kitchen-living room should be at the planning stage and bookmarks wiring. In the living room built-in lamps are perfectly combined with lampshades and sconces. A table lamp is appropriate in the recreation area.

The lighting system is able to dividespace, making the necessary emphasis on the desired areas. Hanging over the dining table lamps or a chandelier will indicate the center of the living room, thereby separating the kitchen area. Additional lighting can be LED backlight.

 kitchen rectangular 12 sq. m design

In the kitchen above the working area is often installed spotlights. They can be placed on the edge of the tabletop so that the light is well scattered.

Medium sized kitchen

Owners of "Khrushchev", in which the kitchen is notexceed 6 square meters. m, they dream of their room expanded by at least two meters. The design of a rectangular kitchen (8 sq. M.) Requires certain rules, although in this case it is not so difficult to create it.

It is difficult to say that it is very large.space, although you can’t call it small. Kitchen design rectangular area of ​​8 square. m should be created taking into account the characteristics of the room. If the room has insufficient natural light, then it should be made out in bright colors. It should be borne in mind that for the kitchen it is necessary to choose special materials: tiles, washable wallpapers, wall panels.

Often the following elements are suitable for visual expansion of space:

  • the use of furniture sets without upper cabinets;
  • glossy facades;
  • the presence of mirror elements;
  • wallpaper in the dining area,
  • proper artificial lighting.

rectangular kitchen design projects

To decorate the windows in this kitchen fitRolled curtains or blinds. Overload the room should not be furniture. Dining table is better to replace the bar, which will make the room more spacious and modern.

Rectangular kitchen (12 sq. M.): Design

First you need to identify the main areas onwhich will share the room. Usually, kitchen interiors consist of two zones: the working area, where furniture and cooking equipment is installed, and the dining area, in which it is necessary to provide free space for accommodating several people.

Двенадцатиметровая кухня позволяет использовать various materials and colors. It does not impose strict requirements in this regard. Therefore, I would like to elaborate on the arrangement of furniture in such a room. In accordance with the specifics of the layout in the kitchen, choose one of the options presented below.


In this case, the furniture is placed along the long walls.This option is ideal for an extended room. The interior with this layout looks spectacular if you install a dining table by the window perpendicular to the work surfaces. This will save space for free movement. If you think that the opposing furniture elements visually narrow the space, then install the furniture along one wall.

11 square rectangular kitchen design

Corner kitchen

Еще один интересный и популярный вариант.Furniture set of this type is designed on the basis of the "kitchen triangle" principle, thereby providing access to the main points in the cooking zone - sink, stove and refrigerator. When placing such a headset in the rectangular kitchen, the opposite wall of the room is released, where you can equip a cozy dining area.

U-shaped kitchen

Takes three walls.This option fits perfectly into the interior room of 12 square meters. m. Quite often in this case, the dining table is replaced with a bar: it can become the third “wing” of the headset or be installed perpendicular to one of the walls.

Kitchen island

This is a kind of combination of an angular, linear headset.and rack, which is located in the center of the room. It can be used as a cooking surface or as a dining table. Closed islands are ideal for storing non-perishable food and kitchen utensils. Such a layout, perhaps, provides little space, but it is recognized by hostesses as the most convenient, especially if you have to cook often and for a large family. For placement of equipment it is recommended to use angular shelves of the headset or overhead.

rectangular kitchen design


As you can see, the kitchen design is rectangular (anysize) is not too difficult to create. However, if you think that you can not choose the color scheme or the appropriate finishing materials, consult professional designers.

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