/ / Amazing places. Glass beach in California

Amazing places. Glass beach in California

In the summer heat, each of us wants to cool off insea ​​water, and in the winter cold - soak in the rays of the gentle sun. Therefore, in winter and in summer many people want to be on the beach. Some imagine a coast with soft sand, others - pebbly sea shore, and others - a rocky wild corner of nature. But hardly anyone in dreams will see a glass beach. And in California, it really exists! An unusual place is in the small town of Fort Bragg.

glass beach in california
And it all began in the forties of the twentiethcentury. Then from all over the city on the territory of the current beach began to take the garbage. As a result, a huge public dump was formed. Everything was here: from household rubbish to decommissioned cars. Giant mountain of rubbish, piles of broken glass, piles of plastic waste eventually reached a critical size. They just burned. It continued for more than twenty years, until in 1967 the city authorities, after discovering the threatening pollution of air, land and water, decided not to close the landfill. Programs were developed to restore local nature, and the territory was finally cleared of bulky waste. But the small broken glass was left, and here the nature took care of itself.

Sea surf laboriously sharpened each sharpglass and turned piles of glass into a myriad of colored smooth pebbles of all sizes and shapes. The ocean did a truly jeweler's job: it eliminated the disgrace inflicted on its shore by people, and turned the dump into a unique clean sea coast. So there was a glass beach in California. The pictures of this place are simply mesmerizing - the shore in the sun shines with all the colors and shades of the rainbow. It's incredibly beautiful!

glass beach usa
Local residents quickly chose the territory.They called it Glass Beach. In California, the town of Fort Bragg is very popular - people from all over the state come to rest here. The tourists from other parts of the United States and foreign travelers are eager to visit the amazing shore. Everyone who was lucky enough to visit the Glass Beach in California, wanted to take with him as a souvenir at least one colored pebble. Polished glass-bottles quickly began to be taken away by tourists, and local craftsmen learned to make beautiful bracelets and necklaces from them.

In 2002, the Glass Beach (USA) was bought outNational park McCerricker and turned into an inimitable exotic corner, open to the public. To take unusual stones from here since is forbidden, however this prohibition is often broken, after all each visitor wishes to take to itself as a memory a beautiful glass. Do not want to obey the order of the authorities, not only people, but also crabs, living in coastal waters. They are very pleased to apply multi-colored building material for the construction of their homes.

glass beach in california photo
This is the story!The glass beach in California is a real miracle of nature, created from garbage beauty, pleasing to the eye and taking to the world of childhood, at the time of dreamlike dreams, when we all believed that among the ordinary sea stones you can find precious gems!

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