/ How practical is the dining glass table?

How practical is the dining glass table?

Glass is an amazing material with excellentdecorative properties, it creates an airy feeling of lightness, elegance and elegance. Ideally, glass products fit into a small interior without overloading it. Previously, glass was used to a greater extent in the manufacture of windows, and now, with the development of technologies for its processing, the field of application of glass elements has increased significantly.

In the modern interior has become very fashionableuse a glass table. Dining, coffee, writing and computer tables - they all have a variety of shapes and sizes, differ in color and glass thickness. You can pick up a glass table in any interior, because it's easy to combine glass with metal, at least with wood, though with plastic or leather.

glass table

When choosing a glass table, first of allpay close attention to the quality of the glass itself, and then to the shape or style of the table. After all, the most important thing in using glass objects is their safety. The most suitable types of glass for countertops are tempered glass or triplex.

Tempered glass is subjected to specialheat treatment, which at times increases its strength. When using this technology, the glass breaks down into small, rounded parts without any sharp or sharp edges. However, it is not easy to break such a glass, and in a home the table with such a glass is considered to be a completely safe object.

Triplex is a construction of twosheets of glass and laminating (gluing) their layer. When the table top is broken from such a glass, all the fragments remain in the laminating layer. Of the triplex, bulletproof glass is usually manufactured, which clearly indicates its high strength and safety.

round glass table

Glass dining table should be withrounded corners, all of its elements must be securely fastened and do not walk stilted. Remember that the table in the kitchen is usually used very often, and there is a great chance of scratching the surface of the glass countertop. To avoid this, get beautiful napkins to put dishes and cutlery. By the way, with the help of such napkins you can change the accents in the kitchen as often as you want, plus your glass table will be reliably protected and will last for a long time, pleasing a smooth surface. If scratches still appeared, they can be ground with a special fine-grained paste for glass surfaces, but in this way only small scratches can be removed, and large ones may remain. Napkins also muffle the sound of the tableware, because the ringing of glass can prevent people who do not like loud sounds.

Choose a glass table in the kitchen, based onthe size of the room and the number of people who will sit behind him during breakfasts, lunches and dinners. For a small, narrow kitchen, a rectangular or oval table is good, which can be expanded if guests arrive. If you are lucky - you have a large kitchen with a spacious dining area (or a separate dining room) - you can choose any table you like. A round glass table, for example, perfectly fits into the dining room interior for a large number of guests, will create a sense of solemnity and family comfort.

glass dining table

As for the design of glass dining tables,then the choice is really limitless - a variety of shapes and sizes, colors and style solutions. It is possible to create a table with a stained-glass countertop, with hand painted or even with a backlight. Unusual and bizarre forms of the bases for such tables create an accent in the design, attracting the eye to the dining area.

The glass table is an unusual and beautifulan interior subject that requires careful use and careful attitude. Choosing a table of glass, first of all, take care that the table top was made of safe and high-quality material, then this table will serve you more than a dozen years.

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