City of Dzerzhinsk (Nizhny Novgorod region) -the largest industrial center of the region. Once you cross its border, you will see the pipes of local factories and factories, the city is literally covered with a cloud of smog of an incomprehensible shade. Few of the guests of the city know that here, besides factories and factories of the chemical industry, there are historical places and monuments of architecture worthy of attention. It's about them that I want to talk about in this material.
Достопримечательности Дзержинска Нижегородской areas are so diverse that it is difficult to decide where to start their review. Let's start, perhaps, with the most popular places among the guests of the city and local residents.
Dzerzhinsk, history, sights,whose culture is rich enough and interesting, a unique city. Acquaintance with it, as with any other locality, should begin with a visit to the Museum of Local Lore. It was opened relatively recently (in 1995), for today it accommodates 9 exposition halls.
The museum is located on Dzerzhinsky Avenue andkeeps the whole long history of the city. The main sights of Dzerzhinsk in the Nizhny Novgorod Region certainly could not have been without him. It is here that exhibitions of local artists are organized, cultural and mass events are held. In the museum you can get acquainted with the history of the city, learn about how the locals lived during the Great Patriotic War, what contribution they made to the overall victory. In short, the place is really interesting and worthwhile.
Monument to Dzerzhinsky, decorating the eponymoussquare, is one of the most significant sights of the city. It was from this place in the distant 1929 and began active development of the city. The huge territory of the forest belt was cut down, the first stone was laid at the rally, which is still a symbol of the city's formation to this day. The monument is located in a chic lime garden, quite a quiet and spiritual place of the city. Be sure to visit him if you are in Dzerzhinsk.
In and around DzerzhinskThe Nizhny Novgorod region could not do without this holy place. The church ensemble is named for a reason, because it is represented by several temples. The first church of the complex is wooden, it was built in 1997. This is the first church of Dzerzhinsk, belonging to the Resurrection Parish. In appearance, a bright, interesting double-lighted quadrilateral with a symmetrical altar. This temple was named Tikhon.
The second church is already made of bricks andis considered a more modern construction. This is the temple of John the Baptist. Today it hosts divine services, which visitors and visitors can visit. And, finally, the last building in the complex is the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. Unfortunately, it is not completed, but now work is underway to complete the construction and interior decoration.
It refers to the Resurrection parish.The main spiritual patron is Anthony the Great - an Egyptian righteous man, who lived as early as 3-4 centuries. The temple is quite large, accommodates up to 300 parishioners. The land for its construction was allocated by local authorities in 2006, and construction began at the same time.
Even in such a small town there is a theater.dramas The sights of Dzerzhinsk in the Nizhny Novgorod region are not only historical, but also cultural. If you go back to the Drama Theater, it was opened in the city in 1945, but only in 1980 received its own separate building on Mira Boulevard.
Andrei Sergeevich Podskrebkin todayheads the theater. On his stage put the work of outstanding classics and modern directors. This is a really popular place among the locals. Many actors of the local troupe were awarded state awards and titles, which is especially valuable.
Sights of Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorodthe regions are of a different nature, but now the Shukhov tower cannot be attributed to any of the categories presented. This unique building was honored with the title of the cultural heritage of the entire Nizhny Novgorod region.
The tower reaches a height of 128 meters, wasbuilt by the project of an outstanding and talented scientist V. G. Shukhov in 1896 as a support for power transmissions. In the period from 1927 to 1929, in Dzerzhinsk, according to the standard design, 4 more similar towers were built, which later became unnecessary scrap metal as a result of the change in the route of the power lines.
Конструкция башни не единожды признавалась лучшей in the structure of high-rise. It was taken as the basis for the construction of the largest companies in Switzerland, Spain and Japan. That is why the Shukhov Tower can rightly be called the pride of the region.
AttractionsDzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod region could not do without flora and fauna. The city, as already noted, is an industrial center, rather polluted by harmful emissions and waste. That is why even a small island of the park area is valued by all locals and guarded like the main attractions.
If you rest in Dzerzhinsk or arrivehere on a business trip, be sure to visit the arboretum. Its history began in 1951 with the active assistance of a local forester I. N. Ilyashevich. This green corner with a stunning atmosphere and really clean air is located in the south-eastern part of the city. The area of the arboretum reaches 15 hectares, there are quite a few rare plants.
Популярные достопримечательности Дзержинска не could do without a contact zoo - the main fun of children. This is not the zoo to which many of us are accustomed, or rather, not quite the one. Here you can not only look at the animals, but also stroke them.
This is a landscaped green area where you canchat with raccoons, sheep, goats, horses and ponies, watch poultry. In the contact zoo is allowed to iron and feed the animals, take photos with them. More recently, an Australian kangaroo has appeared here, which has become the main decoration.
Светомузыкальный фонтан "Торнадо", украшающий Lenin Square, is a favorite vacation spot of local residents in combination with a bright and noticeable landmark of the city. This water show attraction, which appeared in 2009, was created on the basis of unique developments and innovations. Quite bright water effects are demonstrated to all those present under high-quality musical accompaniment. The spectacle is just gorgeous, fascinates literally from the first minutes. The fountain looks even more spectacular in the dark when the spotlights are illuminated from various sides by 52 floodlights.
If you had time to inspect the mainsights of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, it’s time to go to less popular, but quite interesting and remarkable places. For example, a house with a spire adorning one of the city streets. This is a unique structure, which is really difficult to pass.
Currently the building is painted in richgreen color, making it even more noticeable. The house was built in 1955, a spire rising above the roof makes it unique. The project of A. F. Kusakin, realized in life, harmoniously fit into the architecture of the city, becoming its full-fledged part and decoration. The house has been repeatedly repaired and restored, now also needs to be renovated.
The pond is one of the largest in allarea. Its area reaches 280 hectares, and a depth of 5 meters. The karst origin of the lake is still under question, but most scientists are inclined to this assumption. And the reason for that funnel along the southern coast. This is a natural monument, which is under state protection. Along the coast there are many valuable and rare plants that are listed in the Red Book of the region.
We tried to highlight all the most interesting andremarkable sights of Dzerzhinsk and once again prove to all visitors of the city that it is not only the largest industrial, but also the cultural center of the Nizhny Novgorod region. We sincerely hope that you will definitely find something to occupy in this wonderful provincial town.