/ / Circus in Sochi: description, reviews

Circus in Sochi: description, reviews

Sochi is the southern city of Russia, which bypopularity is not inferior to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Rest here is considered a very prestigious occupation. In the city there are a lot of attractions. Tourists who come here from all over the world can find for themselves a wide variety of entertainment. Today we will tell about the circus in Sochi. His visit will be a real holiday for holidaymakers, because here any spectator can become carefree and happy. One of the most famous arenas of the country attracts not only a huge number of spectators, but also artists from all Russian cities.

circus in Sochi

Circus in Sochi

Many readers will be interested to know that histhe opening took place in 1971, and the most famous and beloved clown of Russia - Yuri Nikulin - has a direct relationship to its construction and formation. At different times, such famous artists as Oleg Popov and Igor Kio, Valery Leontiev and Iosif Kobzon, Yuri Durov and Mstislav Zapashny generously shared their talent with the audience.

The circus in Sochi can hold about two thousandhuman. Here, not only are circus performances, but also concert and entertainment programs, as well as various festivals. The troupes from different cities of Russia constantly come here with the most interesting and exciting programs. Among them are the "Bantamweight Bears", "The Royal Tigers of Sumatra", "The Royal Circus of Gia Eradze", "Echo of the Reindeer" and others.

The professionalism and charm of the artists of the circus conquerliterally from the first minute of the performance. Amazing harmony, impeccable technique, and also graceful execution of the most complicated tricks distinguish all circus numbers in Sochi. Here is what usually happens in the program of speeches:

  • horse numbers;
  • acrobatic performances;
  • numbers-attractions with trained predators;
  • performances of clowns;
  • equilibrists;
  • performances of trained birds and other animals;
  • jugglers, rope-walkers;
  • performances of gymnasts and much more.

Duration of presentation takes up to twohours. With the schedule of the circus in Sochi, you can get acquainted on the site or by calling the cash departments. Tickets are best purchased in advance at the box office of the circus or online. If you want to learn about the hours of circus work in Sochi, the schedule can be viewed on the site. The price of tickets varies - from 700 to 3000 rubles. Many viewers try to buy tickets more expensively, although from any place the visibility is simply excellent.

circus du salts in Sochi

How to get there

If you ask a native of Sochi:"How to get to the circus?", Then the answer will be given immediately and without any difficulties. The favorite building of the citizens is located at: Deputatskaya street, 8. This place is located near the Sochi park-arboretum. Therefore, the building of the circus will not be found. What kind of transport can you get here? We offer the most convenient options:

  • bus number 86, 2, 180 and others;
  • fixed-route taxi No. 41, 95, 19, 98.

Stop "Sochi Circus". There are many colors around the circus, tourists and local residents are often photographed here.

Additional services

The Circus in Sochi offers to all comers:

  • make a photo as a memory with the stars of the arena;
  • to buy souvenirs;
  • ride on a horse or donkey;
  • participate in the drawing of free tickets to the circus and other gifts;
  • photographed on elephants;
  • listen to a concert of entertainers.

circus in Sochi schedule

Cirque du Soleil in Sochi

As mentioned above, the city on tourcome the most famous circuses not only from Russia, but also the world. One of them will be discussed in more detail. The legendary circus du Soleil from Canada is an immaculate technique of eye-popping tricks, fabulous images, mystical charm and much more. In July 2017 Sochi residents and guests of the city will have an amazing opportunity to visit the performances of this circus.

Favorite place of rest

So say many local people about the circus in Sochi.Reviews, which can easily be found on the Internet, are full of only positive emotions. What is most often noted by the audience? A variety of genres of circus numbers, the most difficult acrobatic tricks, impeccable work of trainers, coordination of actions of all circus performers. Many numbers are performed here without insurance and on the verge of human capabilities. It is also worth mentioning the performances of clowns, who entertain the audience cheerfully and cheerfully. There is always a full hall of people of all ages. And applause sounds throughout the show.

Circus in Sochi reviews

Circus in Sochi is always the most unusual and brightspeeches. In May 2017, the program "Bears-Rope Walkers" was presented to the audience. It was very popular not only among urban residents, but also with guests from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and other cities. Families with children like to come here. The sea of ​​joy and a storm of rapture evoke in small spectators riding on horses or donkeys, as well as photos with monkeys or dogs that have only recently performed at the circus arena. Unique and exciting circus numbers will impress your imagination, and you will certainly come back here again.

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