/ / The unique circus: Khabarovsk

The unique circus: Khabarovsk

The circus of Khabarovsk is considered one of the youngestin Russia. Despite this fact, the locals consider it to be a real pearl of modern Russian architecture. The circus project is really unique, because it was created on the basis of three already existing structures: the Irkutsk, Ussuri and Yaroslavl circuses. According to experts, he occupies the third position in the rating of the best circuses in Russia.

circus of Khabarovsk
Short story

The Khabarovsk circus has relatively recently begunto please its visitors all year round. After all, his first capital building was opened very recently, in 2001. And during the last century, residents of the city could watch performances only in circus tents and temporary rooms. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the 20th century the first stationary building appeared, built with funds from A. Martini, who provided premises for circus entrepreneurs.

In the 30-ies of the last century in the city appearedyear circus, which operated until 1959. Khabarovsk is known for a cold winter, so this circus could work only a few months a year. In 1959 a mobile circus "Arena" appeared in the city. But with the reconstruction of the center of Khabarovsk, his tent was moved, and a modern circus building was built in the Gagarin Park. It was built in just one year, although at first it was planned to erect it in 3 years.


The circus in Khabarovsk boasts a beautifulsound, light and technical equipment. This makes the performances colorful and amazing. In the park Gagarin, the named circus occupies 6 hectares, while it is designed for 1300 seats. Touring troupes from Australia, China and other countries often use the local circus. Khabarovsk, thanks to this, receives an additional benefit, because so its residents can personally appreciate the beauty and spectacular performances of foreign artists.

Not so long ago there were touringRoyal show Gia Eradze, known as the "Five Continents." Every 2-3 months you can see a new program here. In addition, it is this circus that is used for a variety of exhibitions, as well as performances of the stars of show business. Khabarovsk in the face of the new circus building received a unique attraction.

circus in Khabarovsk


Visitors note a good wardrobe, cleanliness andfriendly staff. Among the shortcomings can be identified a distant location from the center. But thanks to the gilded dome, the building itself is visible from afar. Also, individual visitors note the presence of a specific odor. But it is typical for most circuses in connection with the content of animals in them. In addition, regular guests say that his program is more suitable for young children, and it is relatively rare to get to air gymnasts and acrobats.

Khabarovsk Circus

Due to its excellent equipment, it canPerformed as performances on the ice, and presentations on the water. Another plus is that near it there are attractions for the guys. Therefore it is not surprising that the circus became the center of children's entertainment in the city. Khabarovsk will please parents with perfectly prepared entertainment for children.

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