/ Where did the circus come from? Irkutsk welcomes guests

Where did the circus come from? Irkutsk welcomes guests

Do you like clowns and trained animals?When was the circus guest in your city? Irkutsk on this question can answer that the tour is always pleased the northerners with new exciting programs. Recall what kind of guests were in the summer season of 2014 in this Siberian city. And first, a little about the history of the creation of the Irkutsk cultural and entertainment entertainment center.

Circus of Irkutsk

Since when does the circus exist in the capital of the Angara region? Irkutsk celebrates its anniversary in 2014

Literally a few months later, in December,The circus will celebrate a half-century anniversary. But in fact, it turns fifty years old just built in 1964 stone building. Before that time the Irkutsk circus functioned as a troupe of artists with its changing repertoire for a very long time. If history is to be believed, at the end of the 18th century, namely in 1795, Irkutsk first visited circus artist Mikoletto with his troupe, which included acrobats and trained animals. Later, in 1868, another magician, Soulier (Italian master), settled in the city. He even built on his own savings a modest wooden structure.

But the local people were not happy for long.The fire of 1900 destroyed the circus. In his place, sometimes they erected temporary structures, then they built a circus tent. And only in the mentioned 1964 in Irkutsk there was a stone building for 1732 spectators. Now the circus not only gives its own ideas, but also gladly draws visitors from other regions.

circus ice show

Seven-year program

Not so long ago, in May-June of this year, there was a circus tent at a party. Irkutsk met the "7 wonders of the world." The presentation program included the following numbers:

- an attraction with lions and tigers "The King of the Jungle";

- trained dogs "Dog Freestyle";

- an attraction with pythons, camels, llamas, monkeys, etc. "Fairy tales of the East";

- the transformation of man into fire and aquarium;

- power number with the car.

And, of course, there were those without whom the circus can not be called a circus - clowns, jugglers, equilibrists, illusionists. The view mode was as follows:

Day of the week







13.00, 17.00


13.00, 17.00

In the middle of summer the Moscow circus came. Irkutsk met the show "Ice Planet"

circus on ice of Irkutsk

To replace the "7 miracles" the company arrived in the citycircus figure skaters. The performances were very diverse and colorful. The main characters were, of course, jugglers, acrobats, rope walkers and animal trainers. At the same time a lot of animals performed on skates virtuously. At the height of the summer, the performance "out of season" was given by the Moscow circus. Irkutsk ice show was met with an unusually friendly and homely warmth. Although the winter theme for the northerners, unlike the southern inhabitants of Russia, is not a curiosity, all the numbers have been accepted by the audience for "cheers". Particularly notable was the last performance, which differed from all previous unusual theme - the celebration of the name day of the new artist.

Tour surprise - the birth of a sea lion cub

circus takito irkutsk

An extraordinary event was marked by the arrivalMuscovites. Summer tour with the program "Ice Planet" was planned to be completed in the capital of the Angara region in mid-July. But the birth of a new artist - a sea lion cub - held the Moscow circus in the city. Irkutsk became the birthplace for the cub. At the last presentation, a contest was held to assign a nickname to a pet. In a special box for the box near the ticket office, the audience lowered the drawings of the sea lion and notes with invented names. It is this latest performance that will surely be remembered by the Moscow circus on ice. Irkutsk gave the name to the new artist. Of the many options chosen the most original and fair. Now the sea lion cub is proudly named Irkut. Very funny, is not it? A real Siberian, though born in the height of summer.

Unfortunately, now the city circus does not have its ownown functioning troupe with artists. But the building itself is not empty. Some guest performers replace others. So, in addition to Russian artists, the city circus is also visited by foreign delegations, delighting the audience with their unique colorful performances. They are companies from France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, China and many other countries. A constant circus performer is the local circus orchestra. Visit the Irkutsk Circus!

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