/ How to draw a circus beautifully?

How to draw a circus beautifully?

The circus is loved by everyone - not just children, but adults.He gives the opportunity to disconnect from everyday problems, again feel like a carefree child, sincerely laugh and relax. Those families who are fortunate to live in large cities, can afford to enjoy a campaign in the circus any day. Those, whose place of residence - small settlements, wait until "the mountain will come to Mohammed", that is, the circus will come to them on tour. If the child has never been to such shows before, you must tell him about the miracles that occur in this place - let him feel the approach of the fairy tale!

how to draw a circus
Well, to make the kid imagine it all the brightestimage, show him how to draw a circus. Picture the tent and horses in luxurious blankets, the booth of the cashier and the good-natured elephant. Give the child a sense of celebration, and waiting for the performance will not seem so tiring to him. Of course, not every parent knows how to draw a circus. Thanks to our article you will cope with this, and at the same time you can briefly return to the carefree childhood.


So, how to draw a circus in stages?Agree, the task is not easy - in this drawing there are many details, all sorts of trifles, which will take a lot of time. However, the joyful smile of the baby, who looks at the colorful drawing, is worth the effort!

how to draw a circus in stages
Place the landscape sheet horizontally andlet's get started! The first thing you need to plan for the most important thing - a tent, a truck, a ticket office, a carriage of artists. First, we'll figure out how to draw a circus, that is, the building itself. It will occupy the main place in the picture. Draw two arcs parallel to each other, and connect them together by two vertical lines. From the upper arc, a triangle with a truncated tip, a circus dome, departs. Close to the tent stand: the truck - on the left, the trailer - almost in the center and the booth of the ticket office - on the right. Mark the places for them with roughly similar figures. From the trailer to the side opposite the circus, draw two parallel lines - a future fence.

Next stage

Now, in more detail about how to draw a circus.Pencil the canopy into two parts. Draw the entrance to the tent, as shown in the picture. Make a car in the form of a three-dimensional rectangle with a roof. Over the entire fence at an equal distance, designate dostichki - two vertical strips, parallel to each other. Let them be crossed by two double horizontal strips from edge to edge of the fence, one at the top and the other at the bottom. Add small details (eg carnations). Draw a cashier - a volumetric square on wheels with a roof and a characteristic hole, i.e., a window. Draw a truck - a body in which will sit an elephant, a booth, wheels. In the open "door" of the circus, you can see the arena - you can draw a prancing horse there. And we turn to trifles. Make the tent striped, drawing parallel lines at the same distance from each other. The transition from the roof to the walls is decorated with wavy lace.

how to draw a circus in pencil
In the car body, draw an elephant - only visibleits upper part, wide back and half of the head with ears. Legs and trunk are "hidden". In the trailer make a rectangular open door, a square window in the wall near the fence. On the roof draw a pipe. The ticket booth should also be portrayed plausibly: we need a door in the form of a rectangle, to which leads a pair of steps, and a large window through which it will sell tickets. On the roof, draw a sign with the inscription "Cashier". In the window, you can draw a cashier in the form of a female figure to the waist, with arms outstretched - she joyfully waits for the little visitors of the circus. On the roof of the tent draw fluttering flags. The rest of the details let you tell fantasy - it can be people, animals, circus attributes ...


Now you know how to draw a circus, and your child can brighten it with bright colors.

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