/ Where to Rest in Italy?

Where to Rest in Italy?

In recent years holidays in Italy became especially popular among many of ourcompatriots. Well, there's nothing strange about it - everyone wants to spend their vacation so that positive memories of him would be enough until next year. Well, visiting Italy, everyone can find exactly what he likes best and what he lacks in everyday life. Of course, for many people it is primarily golden beaches, warm water and good service. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that many people prefer to relax in the resort of Rimini. This resort town boasts a magnificent climate, as well as a whole fifteen kilometers of a magnificent beach with pure golden sand. It is no coincidence that this place is one of the most popular beaches all over the Adriatic coast. Many tourists like that the way from Rimini to the largest Italian cities - Rome, Florence, Venice and others, takes only one day.

To swim here begin already in the very beginning of May,The bathing season lasts until the end of September. Therefore, tourists can enjoy warm sea water for five months a year. So, any swimmer can drink here. Well, supporters of a more relaxed rest can spend whole days in the sun, enjoying the gentle rays and hot sand. However, this entertainment on the beach does not end there. After all, at any time, you can visit the special volleyball and basketball courts, sailing and windsurfing station, scuba diving, try canoeing, zip on the water surface on water skis or jet skis.

With all this, Rimini is not only beautifulclimate and conditions for recreation, but also an amazing story. Yes, this resort was created not for decades or even centuries ago. Founded it at the beginning of the third century BC! So, to this day the town is divided into two parts - one of them is interesting resorts, and the other is history. Therefore, even if you are going to Italy to plenty nakupatsya, should be given at least a day or two, to see with my own eyes many architectural monuments of the Middle Ages - Malatesta Temple, Palazzo del Podesta, the river Rubicon and Franciscan church Tempio Matatestiano.

Of course, when visiting Rimini, any girlor the woman will not stay away from shopping - there is a huge number of department stores, boutiques and shops, and most of them are in the heart of the city.

No gourmet will be disappointed in the localcafes and restaurants, but the special pleasure will be lovers of seafood. After all, fresh seafood is one of the main ingredients of Italian cuisine. Mollusks, fish and algae are almost always present on the table. Of course, here you can taste real Italian wine, which is grown in many tiny towns throughout Italy.

So, having decided to buy a ticket to Rome, you will give yourself a few days of unforgettable rest.

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