/ / "Diamond" raspberry: description of the variety

"Diamond" raspberry: description of the variety

Repaired raspberries are very fond of ourgardeners for fragrant large berries and the ability to harvest in two stages - from the end of June until the very frosts. Among the most popular varieties, a special place is occupied by the raspberry remontant Diamond.

Are there any difficulties in cultivation?

Until now, there are skeptics who are waryrelate to the idea of ​​cultivating repairing raspberry in their own area. In their opinion, the berries are so large, so sour. And if with raspberries of traditional sorts of work, as they say, "above the roof", then with the repair and not at all.

Diamond Raspberry

We hasten to dissuade the skeptics.The berries of the best selection varieties will give people a real sweet and sour aesthetic of taste. And the yields will surpass all expectations, if not exploit the bushes, copying the technology of cultivation of ordinary raspberries. Let's talk about this in more detail on an example of such a variety, as raspberry Diamond. The photos will help to visually demonstrate to readers its unusual shape and dimensions.

Good, stable crop

From one bush of the presented variety of raspberries it is possibleCollect up to 3 kg of berries per season. Large, literally iridescent brilliant shine berries do not crumble, regardless of the current weather conditions. Neither prolonged rains nor drought can affect the development of berries. In addition, even if the gardener tightens with harvesting for a week, he will not lose in the quantity and quality of the berries.

Features of the variety

Brilliant raspberry has spreadingmedium-sized bushes, reaching one and a half meters in height. Refers to an unprincipled sight, which is appreciated literally on their hands by many fans of garden crops. It is about the absence of numerous scratches, which usually leave on the hands of truck farmers traditional prickly varieties when tying. The variety is completely frost-resistant, and even with the onset of the first frosts continues to bear fruit. The taste of berries is extremely rich, pleasant, sweet. The appearance of the bush is able to please the eye with its decorative qualities.

Raspberry Brilliant: description, cultivation technology

A distinctive feature of the cultivation of anyvarieties of repair raspberry is the complete removal of the above-ground part of the bush after fruiting. In other words, it is customary to cultivate such raspberries as an annual culture. Just here, many gardeners make a mistake, naively believing that if you do not remove the bush for the winter, then in the next season you can wait for a bigger harvest. Fructification of repairing varieties is possible only on fresh water. This directly relates to a culture such as Raspberry Raspberry. The description of the variety clearly indicates the impossibility of fruiting on last year's shoots. Of course, it is not forbidden to grow seedlings according to the technology of common shrubs, but yields with traditional cultivation technology fall sharply.

Raspberry diamond variety description

Given that fruiting lasts up tomost frosts, not all gardeners have time to remove the above-ground part of the bush for winter. This is not critical, since it is also possible to produce this type of work in the spring.

Raspberry, sort of Diamond: what you need to know before buying?

This variety is well tolerated by hot weather, forwhich is especially recommended for plantings in the southern and middle black soil regions of our country. Sprawling shoots require a mandatory garter because the bush is able to bend down to the ground under the weight of the berries. Tie the shoots usually to the trellis. The bush multiplies rapidly, as it strenuously discards the root processes. Cuttings can be used as another method of reproduction.

Raspberry diamond отзывы

How many shoots per season forms on one bushraspberry Diamond? The responses of the fans of the variety testify to the average rate of formation of young growth. The number of new shoots may increase during the rainy summer season.

Rapid reproduction of young growths is capable ofnegatively affect the quality of fruiting, delay it, and create a favorable atmosphere for pests. In view of this, experts recommend that the bushes be thinned, removing excess sprouts. On average for the entire season one shrub Brilliant raspberry can throw back 6 replacing shoots and 2 root shoots.

How to land?

Raspberry variety

Agrotechnics does not recommend planting this varietyas well as ordinary raspberry bushes, namely - a wide continuous stripe. The fact is that replacement shoots and shoots are able to interfere with each other, which will immediately affect the quality and quantity of the crop. Therefore, it is necessary to plant shrubs at a distance of 70 cm from each other - this will result in the harvesting of the maximum harvest.

Brilliant raspberry does not reduce year by year itsthe best qualities, if you trim for the winter, leave no more than 4 young replacing shoots from the bush. All extra offspring must be removed in a timely manner. By the way, if young animals are not thrown away, but buried in a pot with nutritive soil, then it is quite possible to grow ready-made strong bushes for further cultivation of the variety.

What crop yields the largest berries?

Do not be surprised if in the first June harvest youDo not find on the bushes of the declared 10-gram berries, which should give raspberry Diamond. The description of the variety clearly indicates abundant fruiting in the fall. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend not to waste energy on caring for the first harvest in June, but to concentrate on the autumn harvest. In this case, during the season, shoots seem to pass a two-year cycle with a peak at a late period of maturation.

Choice of place and care

Since the presented variety is quite thermophilic,then the place for landing should be chosen solar. Avoid territories near high fences and deaf plantations. But to the soil, the repair raspberry is not so demanding. Although, if the soil is regularly enriched with humus and make potash fertilizers and superphosphate - it will not be worse from this.

Raspberry Diamond Description

Top-dressing is done twice, usually in spring, and alsowith the beginning of the first flowering. We also do not tolerate weeds, weeding out in time. Irrigation, especially in dry summer conditions, should be abundant. It is also good to loosen the soil to enrich the roots with oxygen. However, loosening is done with caution, shallow, for fear of damaging the root system of the bush. After loosening, the mulching procedure is usually carried out. If you lay a poured, weeded and loosened soil surface, for example, with mown grass, this will permanently rid of the growth of new weeds, and prevent evaporation of moisture from the soil.

Secrets of Strong Cuttings

It is customary for gardeners to take root forthe subsequent cultivation is the first, the most powerful and provided with all necessary nutrients from the main bush. This also applies to the repair raspberry Brilliantova.

Raspberry remodeling diamond

If you want to continue to have no problems withrooting, then the green cuttings choose small, only formed an outlet from the leaves. High shoots worse take root, but overgrown young growth is better to throw out immediately. Before planting the cuttings can not be kept in water, as the root system must be covered with soil. The cut can be sprinkled with charcoal.

Advantages of the variety

Of course, the annual pruning of the aboveground partshoots not only increases the yield, but also almost completely eliminates the bush from pests. Parasites and various diseases, inherent in perennial crops, are absent on shoots of such a variety as Raspberry Raspberry. Comments gardeners testify that when growing bushes it is possible to do without the use of any kind of chemicals. Feel free to plant remontant raspberries and do not even think about foliage pests such as aphids or spider mites. And as for the larvae of the raspberry beetle and the reflex examination of the berries before they are eaten, you will for sure forget for sure.

Raspberry Diamond Photo

If the first derived varieties of patch raspberrydiffered increased fecundity only in hot climate conditions, and for the northern regions they were not categorically approached due to lack of time for ripening, then such a variety as the Diamond Raspberry is already fully adapted to the conditions of a temperate climate.

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