/ / Berry raspberry: useful properties and contraindications

Berry raspberry: useful properties and contraindications

In Russia, the hostesses grow many useful anddelicious berries. Especially popular raspberry, useful properties and contraindications which have been known since ancient times. It has a delicate aroma, a gentle pleasant taste, so children adore it. In summer, jam, jellies, compotes are cooked from delicious treats, and selected berries are frozen.

raspberries: useful properties and contraindications

The healing berry was known even by the ancient Greeks andthe Romans. Already in those days it was made of blanks and treated a cold. In the Middle Ages, the "tasty medicine" was forgotten and remembered only in the 16th century, it got to America in the 18th century. In Russia, the Slavs ate wild wild raspberries, and cultivated it also in the 18th century. Berries began to plant in the gardens, then different varieties appeared: black, white, red, yellow.

Raspberry: useful properties and contraindications

The composition contains up to 10% of sugars, more than 20%fatty oil, a little essential oil, organic acids: malic, salicylic, tartaric, lemon - proteins, pectins, tannins, minerals, vitamins B, C, A, catechins, anthocyanins.

berry raspberry: useful properties
The berry, except for man, eats beasts and forest birds. The plant is an excellent honey plant: one hectare of forest raspberries receives one hundred kilograms of honey.

Berry raspberries: useful properties

  • It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties.
  • He coughs, colds.
  • Has a pronounced diaphoretic effect.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • It restores the gastrointestinal tract, fights with constipation.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Has an antisclerotic effect.
  • Reduces high blood pressure.
  • Improves appetite.
  • Helps in the treatment of anemia due to the iron content.

Especially useful is ripe raspberries, useful properties and contraindications which are the same as in ripe, but the amount of vitamins and nutrients in it is more.

"Delicious treat" is eaten fresh, with milk, with cream, jams, syrups, jams, marmalade, stuffing for sweets, pastilles, make tinctures, liqueurs, wines.

The leaves and flowers of the plant also have medicinal properties: the infusion is drunk for colds, coughs, colitis, acne, skin rashes, erysipelas.


  • some diseases of the intestines, gout, nephritis;
  • diarrhea;
  • individual intolerance.

raspberry: useful properties in pregnancy
Raspberry: useful properties in pregnancy

A delicious berry facilitates the course of pregnancy,accelerates recovery after childbirth. It relieves spasms, reduces pain, relieves toxemia and makes it less pronounced, soothes. Tea with raspberries is drunk when a threat of miscarriage, with pain after childbirth, and with the goal of increasing lactation.

Application in cosmetology

It is curious that raspberries, useful properties andcontra-indications of which are known from ancient times, is also used in cosmetology: masks for facial skin and infusions for rinsing hair are made of it. It is recommended to eat in unlimited quantities during the season. And in winter you can enjoy dried, frozen berries or raspberry jam.

How to keep raspberries for future use

In the dried form all the medicinal properties are preserved. The berries are dried in an attic under a metal roof, in an oven or Russian oven. Store raspberries in a dry place in tin cans or tight boxes.

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