/ How to harvest plantain? Useful properties and contraindications to the use of plants

How to harvest a plantain? Useful properties and contraindications to the use of plants

Useful properties of plantain knew even the ancienthealers. At that time it was used for the therapy and prevention of many diseases. Currently, herbal medicine is not very common, as there is enough pharmaceutical products from pharmacies. But in case of need to provide emergency medical assistance with improvised means, you can also use psyllium, useful properties and contraindications to the application of which will be discussed in this article.

psyllium useful properties and contraindications

How and when to harvest plantain?

Optimum to do this in the summer months, as well as inearly autumn, after it has blossomed. Plantain, useful properties and contraindications to the use of which are listed in the encyclopedia of herbs, can be collected together with roots and seeds. Seeds need to be harvested only when they are fully ripe (become brown color). Collection of leaves is carried out a couple of times a season. On dry days the plantain is torn off in the morning, after the dew has dried on the leaves. Do not collect the plants near the roads, as the leaves soak up the products of fuel decay. Plantain, useful properties and contraindications to the use of which are known to all doctors, it is better to collect in places with good ecology. As a collection tool, use a knife, sickle or scissors. Collected plants can be dried in an attic or under a canopy, spreading the roots, seeds and leaves on paper. It is important that the raw materials are under the influx of fresh air. Then it will not rot and will not lose useful properties. Store dried plants better in linen bags or boxes of wood.

tincture of plantain

Beneficial features

The plant is rich in enzymes, phytoncides andtannins. The leaves of the plantain contain vitamin C, carotene, and also citric acid. In its seeds there are oleic acids, which can cure many diseases. Plantain, useful properties and contraindications to the therapeutic use of which are known to almost everyone, is the first remedy for scratches, abrasions and broken knees. Many people know about its wound-healing effect. And the antiseptic properties of this plant is similar to iodine and zelenke. Therefore, a plantain is used in medicine. In addition, it can relieve pain, reduce inflammation and stop bleeding. Separately, I want to say about such a drink as tincture of plantain. It is used as an expectorant and released only by prescription. Some use plantain in cooking, adding it to cereals, salads, omelettes and casseroles. By the way, if you put the leaves of this plant in the soup, they will not only acquire an interesting taste, but will also become a source of certain vitamins.

plantain in medicine


Although the plantain has many positiveproperties, before using it, you should read the contraindications. For example, if you have acidity, then plantain treatment can not be done. Also, before using the plant, be sure to donate blood to determine the tendency to thrombosis.

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