/ / Cellar in the garage: how to make your own hands

Cellar in the garage: how to make your own hands

С каждым днем вопросами о том, нужен ли погреб в garage and how to make a basement with your own hands, an increasing number of people are being asked. After all, many refuse to purchase pickles in a store or at a bazaar and prefer to please themselves and their loved ones by house conservation.

One is easier to buy, while others chooseown prepared winter reserves. The main thing is not only to make these blanks correctly, but also to create conditions for conservation to last for a certain period of time. People living in high-rise buildings can not always afford it, so many people are concerned about how to build a cellar in the garage, since this is the only possible option in this case.

Cellar in the garage how to make
What is a cellar?

The cellar is called a simple pit in the ground withventilation and constant temperature. It is good when the garage is built taking into account the fact that the cellar will be located in it, since in this case the foundation is placed on a certain void space. Of course, you can make the cellar already in the finished garage, but it will be somewhat more difficult and you need to be extremely careful not to weaken the foundation in the process.

How to make a cellar in the garage
What you need to know before starting work

It is necessary to know, before building a cellar ingarage, how to do it right. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the soil characteristics, namely, with its degree of humidity, the depth of groundwater and the level at which water rises during the melting of snow. Basically, the cellar in the garages is made round, set down the ladder for easy descent. It is much more convenient to make an entrance from the observation pit, if there is one.

How it looks like

Owners who do not wish to overpay,They are interested in how to make a cellar in the garage with their own hands. If the ground is dry and the groundwater is far away, a hole is being dug, its walls are laid out with red brick, which must be subsequently treated with plaster and whitened with lime mortar, thus avoiding the development of putrefactive bacteria.

Если земля влажная там, где в планах будет cellar located in the garage, how to make the basement itself was protected from high humidity? In this case, you need to dig a pit and make a formwork, which should then be poured with concrete. In this process should be gradual.

What should be the floor

What floor should have a cellar in the garage?How to make a basement in the basement? The most reliable option - to arrange a concrete floor. To do this, pour a layer of rubble and fill it with hot bitumen. Then you should put reinforcement (metal mesh will do), after which a concrete screed is made.

How to build a cellar in the garage

And in the end - the roof

The next stage is the construction of the roof.The ceiling should be equipped with every cellar in the garage. How to make a roof in the cellar? Basically it is built from a thick-walled channel or from rails that lie on top of the walls, then the formwork is made and filled with concrete solution, along with fittings. Do not forget about the entrance.

Final touches

After the cellar is ready, it is necessary to burn several tablets of solid alcohol in it. This will allow the air to dry out and destroy the putrefactive bacteria.

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