/ / Chile: attractions, photos, reviews

Chile: attractions, photos, reviews

Chile is one of the countries of far South America,which attracts tourists with a rich and varied holiday. Deserts and glaciers, national parks and major cities, valleys and mountains, lakes and caves - the choice of interesting places in Chile is truly great


Let's start our acquaintance with this Latin Americanthe country from its capital - the city of Santiago. Built in a beautiful valley by the order of the conquistador Valquivia, Santiago became a real pride of its inhabitants. The city combines various architectural styles, here the picturesque colonial building of the times of the conquistadors adjoins with stylish modern high-rise buildings.

Attractions of Santiago (Chile)parts are located in the central part of the city. It is interesting to visit the Santa Lucia Hill, which spans the branches of its gardens in the territory of the former fortress, the central square of the city with the statue of Santiago, the palace of La Moneda (the current government residence), the oldest and largest Cathedral of Chile.

As in the capitals of other states, in Santiagothere are many museums, the most interesting of which are the Pablo Neruda House Museum, the Museum of Modern Art and the Museum of the Pre-Columbian Age (one of the most famous museums in Latin America).

The most beautiful and romantic place of the cityis the park Metropolitano, located on the hill of San Cristobal, which offers a stunning view of the Chilean capital. The attractions of this park are numerous promenades, a zoo, a small botanical garden and, the most important and famous, the statue of the Virgin Mary, carved from white stone.

Chile attractions

Easter Island

Easter Island, one of the most mysterious andsolitary on the planet, belongs to Chile. The island's attractions, glorified throughout the world, are moai, colossal statues carved from tufa and solid volcanic basalt. Until now, it remains a mystery how the descendants of the Polynesian and Indian peoples were able to create such monumental statues, however, it remains a mystery how the descendants of these peoples could get to such an isolated Pacific island. Currently, Easter Island is the National Park of Chile, whose attractions are visited annually by thousands of lovers of mysteries and secrets. On the island there are no fashionable hotels and chic beaches, but many interesting places completely compensate for their absence.

sights of Chile

Valley of Geysers

Describing the sights of Chile, it is impossiblenot to mention the world's third-largest valley of El Tatio geysers, which is located at an altitude of more than 4,300 meters above sea level. Here, with a violent force, hundreds of geysers emit steam and water from the bowels of the earth. At dawn, a truly enchanting spectacle begins in the valley: steam, sulfur, boiling water and various minerals are drawing a stunning picture of a multitude of shades of various colors, constantly changing in the first sunlight.

Not far from the geysers there are thermal wells with warm water, where you can swim.

chili sightseeing pictures

The San Rafael Lagoon

Wrapped in cold and completely covered with ice,she delighted the tourists of Chile. Sights, photos of which can be seen below, are in the southernmost part of the country behind the Strait of Magelan. You can get here only as part of the excursion group, going on boats and catamarans from the port of Puerto Chacabuco. A dazzling white ice against the blue sky, creeping into the blue waters of the bay, the layers from the blue glacier walls produce a stunning impression. The age of the glaciers of San Rafael is more than 30,000 years, they are considered the oldest on our planet.

In the lagoon you can personally observe the processthe formation of icebergs: the ice sheets, forming huge clouds of spray, collapse into the water from a height of several tens of meters. The most courageous tourists can go on rubber boats in the navigation between the icebergs, swim to them at arm's length.

chili country attractions

Atacama Desert

The Atacama Desert is the most arid region in the world.a world where tens of years may not fall a centimeter of precipitation, but nevertheless it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Chile, whose attractions are visited annually by tens of thousands of visitors from different corners of the world. Atakama differs from habitual deserts by its riot of colors, rich in natural and plant world. In the desert, two valleys are most popular: the Death Valley and the Lunar Valley.

The Lunar Valley got its name for the similaritywith the landscapes of the Earth satellite. At sunset, rushing along the valley, changing every minute shadows cast by numerous columns and caves, create a feeling of unreality of what is happening, not without reason many science-fiction films were shot here.

The name of the Death Valley speaks for itself -A lifeless landscape of rocks, solonchaks, sand and cracked earth stretched to the horizon. However, its high sand dunes, whose height can reach several hundred meters, attracts fans of a new sport - sandboarding (riding on a board on sand).

sights of Santiago Chile

Lake District

One of the most "green" places of the country isbetween the southern ice and the northern deserts - this is the Lake District. Between the mountain peaks and snow-capped volcanoes, there are 12 large and many small glacial lakes. It seems that there is more water here than land, and from a bird's eye view this area resembles a sieve. On the territory of the lake region there are seven national parks of the country with volcanoes, waterfalls and millennial evergreen forests.

Chile Lake District


The sights of Chile are not onlyNational parks, deserts and glaciers, but also beautiful cities. One of the most interesting and picturesque cities in the country is Valparaiso. Cobbled streets, colorful houses, gothic churches and ancient mansions create a unique spirit of antiquity. Valparaiso is called the city of poets and sailors, the most romantic city of Chile.

Chile valparaiso

Chile is a country whose attractionsknown throughout the world. It is a country of contrasts, mysteries and romance, where everything is there: hot deserts and cold glaciers, lakes and mountains, lifeless valleys and modern cities.

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