/ / Psychological portrait of personality: an example of writing according to Platonov

Psychological portrait of personality: an example of writing on Platonov

How to write a psychological portrait of a person?Examples on this topic are quite diverse, but before giving them, it should be remembered that each person has a certain type of nervous system: choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic. It is proved that in pure form belonging to one or another type of nervous activity is rare. Most often in one individual combines a set of personal qualities that can be adjusted.

psychological portrait of a person

However, the basis of temperament remains constantby size. How can this be tracked in practice? Before assessing the psychological portrait of a person, an example of writing should focus on how a person is oriented in society. One goes through life without departing from clear rules, the other, on the contrary, is creative and resorts to innovative methods.

Psychologists are unanimous in their opinion thatshould begin with a description of temperament. Without this, it is impossible to make a psychological portrait of a person. A sample of any characteristic displays primarily the type of nervous system.

Sanguine and choleric

Each type of temperament stands out for itsfeature, therefore, for each person requires an individual approach. Sanguine persons are owners of a strong nervous system and easily experience a change in mental processes: their arousal is quickly replaced by inhibition and vice versa. Because of this, they tend not to always fulfill the promise and need to be controlled.

psychological personality portrait sample

But their positive traits usually outweighnegative. Such personalities are endowed with sociability, sociability and optimism. In most cases, sanguine persons are leaders and often occupy leadership positions in social life.

Cholerics are known for their unbalanced nervousby the system. The process of arousal in them prevails over inhibition. Choleric people feel the need to be busy all the time. They, like the sanguine, tend to lead, but are often too pushy and quick-tempered.

Therefore, the surrounding often find cholericaggressive and conflicting. However, their energy and determination can only be envied. They are recommended to realize themselves in society as military, rescuers, physicians.

Phlegmatic and melancholic

В ходе исследований ученые пришли к выводу, что phlegmatic endowed with a strong type of nervous system. But, unlike the sanguine, these individuals are inert. They make decisions for a long time and slowly assess their strength.

Psychological portrait of a person psychology example

It is important not to fit phlegmatic, otherwise they willget very annoyed and can quit the job. Many believe that these individuals are often inclined to succumb to gloomy thoughts. But in fact, they rarely get depressed. Their positive features are consistency, reliability and solidity.

Melancholic - owners of the weak unbalanced type of the nervous system.
They are very sensitive and tend to get upset when they are pressured and give sharp instructions. By virtue of their softness, melancholic people often cannot repulse the dictator and withdraw into themselves.

This eloquently reflects their psychologicalpersonality portrait. An example of psychology shows that it is important for such individuals to master professions related to communication and caring for others. After all, the distinctive features of melancholic - is the ability to empathize and show mercy.

Psychological portrait of the person. An example of writing

Perhaps many readers will think:"Is the personality trait important today?" In fact, social life requires realization from the individual. Moreover, it is important that the activity was not only useful and well paid, but also brought moral satisfaction to the person.

Platonov’s method is able to help modernemployer to competently engage in the process of each member of the team. For example, the scientist stresses that phlegmatic works best with melancholic, choleric - with sanguine. In addition, Platonov singled out important points from the structure of a person’s character:

  • Attitude to work. In this case, the diligence, responsibility, initiative of a person is evaluated. The main question is whether he realizes his potential, given to him by nature, or not.
  • Attitude towards others.It is known that the production process is involved in relationships, and on how harmonious they are, coherence of work and the final result depends. Therefore, it is estimated how responsive, respectful and flexible the individual is in society.
  • Отношение к самому себе.Today, the motto "love yourself" does not lose relevance. After all, a person who cares about his appearance, a healthy lifestyle, not only causes pleasant emotions, but also is capable of attracting positive events to itself. That is why a newcomer is advised to pay attention to his appearance when he meets for an interview.

Example of a characteristic

Psychological portrait of a person an example of writing for Platonov

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude:everyone is able to make a psychological portrait of the individual. An example of writing about yourself might look like this: “The basis of my temperament is melancholic. I am rather hardworking and responsible. Minus - suspiciousness that prevents me from achieving success. I act according to my natural potential and is able to develop confidence in myself through psychological training. Relationships in a team do not always develop safely. I am benevolent, but shy, with difficulty defending my opinion. I’m pretty picky about myself, I doubt it in many ways, I have some bad habits, but I’m trying to get rid of them. ”

This method helps the individual to overcomepsychological barriers, correct your behavior and change a lot in your life for the better. The head, in turn, often focuses on the psychological portrait of the individual. The pattern of writing usually involves a free form, but there are large companies that provide a service sample.

How does the Platonov method work in psychology?

In fact, the described method has been successfully applied in the field of psychiatry and psychology. Indeed, before helping a person in solving his problem, the specialist gives a description of his personal qualities.

Psychological portrait of a person writing example about yourself

So, how to write a psychological portraitpersonalities? Examples of this are quite diverse. One of them implies, in addition to describing the type of temperament, also the definition of the emotional side of the human character. For example, experts consider 4 types of emotions: demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable.

Demonstrative type is distinguished by itsemotionality. Such people violently express their emotions and often "play to the public." But thanks to their artistry, they are able to understand the interlocutor well. Therefore, if a representative of a demonstrative type turned for help to a specialist with a request to help him decide on the choice of profession, then the most successful recommendation for him is to choose a public activity. Or you can master the specialty social worker.

Pedantic personality type is prone toindecision and a constant sense of fear. Variations and doubts are peculiar to him. However, the positive qualities - punctuality, prudence and accuracy - are taken by the specialist as a basis and help to offer this type a certain method of resolving the situation.

Two difficult types

How to write a psychological portrait of personality examples

Are there any difficulties when compiledpsychological portrait of a person? An example of writing on Platonov shows: yes, it happens. For example, there are 2 types of personality: stuck and excitable. At first glance, they look like.

And some individuals are able to intertwinein character. But a professional in his field is still able to figure it out. For example, individuals of a stuck type are distinguished by the fact that they are capable of not showing their negative emotions for a long time. “Revenge is a dish that is served cold” is an expression that perfectly fits the description of their condition. Such individuals are touchy, vindictive. First of all, they are offered programs to get rid of old grievances.

An excitable personality type is manifested in a constantdiscontent and irritability. These negative phenomena lead to the fact that the individual is in conflict with the outside world and himself. What leads to this state? The psychologist carefully conducts work with those who applied, trying to collect all the details of life events bit by bit, taking into account his temperament, genetic characteristics, social conditions and circle of acquaintances.

Platonov method in society

Psychological portrait of a famous person

The Palatonov method is resorted to in variouscreative shows, politics, science. Indeed, in this activity the psychological portrait is first and foremost important. A well-known personality, as well as an ordinary person, cannot avoid this characteristic. In this case, the scientist Platonov suggests considering the intellectuality and direction of a person.

That is, does he have a certain talent andwill be able to realize it based on willpower? In addition, experts take into account the ability of a person to manage his emotions in the state of affect and control moods and feelings.

Self-assessment - the basis of the characteristics

Special attention is paid to self-esteem.individual. Many types of social activity make a special emphasis on this when they make up a psychological portrait of a person. An example of writing: “Korolev Ivan Stepanovich has high mathematical abilities, but his self-esteem is low. Can he manage the team? Currently not. ”

This is not the whole list of questions thataffects Konstantin Platonov in his writings. The description of a person’s personality traits depends on the circumstances and scope of the activity that requests them. As a rule, the psychological portrait is individual and may be confidential.

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