/ / What is the simulation of the beam? Dimensions for interior and exterior finishes

What is the simulation of the beam? Dimensions for interior and exterior finishes

Many owners want to have a beautiful andenvironmentally friendly house. However, many families can not afford the price of real timber. But from this situation there is a way out. Finishing can be done so that no one can distinguish it from the bar, and this can be done with the lowest possible cost.

imitation bar dimensions for interior decoration

Simulation of the bar

Imitations of the beam, the dimensions of which are the mostdifferent, has two undeniable advantages: excellent quality and significant savings. This material is in many respects similar to the usual lining. It differs only in its more massive dimensions (width and thickness) and careful processing of the front side of the board. Docking panels is carried out on the principle of "spike-groove", but after joining the boards there is no intermediate gap. There is also another significant difference between the simulation of the beam and the lining - the installation can be made only in a horizontal plane.

block house imitation beams sizes


Imitations of the beam, the dimensions of which will be given below, have a fairly wide range of applications. This universal finishing material is used:

  • for internal lining (walls and ceiling);
  • for exterior decoration of buildings (walls, pediment, foundation).

For outdoor work, as a rule, a broader board is used, and for interior finishing - narrow (width 135-145 mm).

Simulation of the beam is ideal for finishing:

  • country houses;
  • restaurants;
  • offices.

The panels are made up of miniature structures:

  • pergolas;
  • Baths;
  • multifunctional outbuildings.

Simulation of the beam makes the finishing of the rest rooms in the bathhouse, cabinets, hotels, mansards, greenhouses, etc.

Imitation of the beam: dimensions

Accurate compliance with dimensions is one of theobligatory conditions for the production of high-quality finishing material. Otherwise, during installation, there may be some difficulties, and the end result will be very far from ideal.

Simulation of the bar refers to enoughSpecific lumber, which, as a rule, does not have any specific specifications. Given the specifics of the finishes and requirements of customers, manufacturers produce this material of different sizes. According to the GOST board the imitation of the bar dimensions has the following:

  1. The width is from 110 to 190 mm.From this indicator depends largely on the appearance of the already finished room. The most popular width is 135 mm. Due to the small number of knots and the convenience of dressing, this width has an Extra and A grade.
  2. Thickness: 18, 20, 22, 28, 34 mm, but the simulation of the bar dimensions can have 16, 14 mm, but this is not standard. The most popular thickness is 20 and 22 mm.
  3. Length 3 or 6 m. But there are boards of 2, 2.5, 5.4 meters, but these figures are considered non-standard.
  4. The weight of the panels is 11 kg per square meter. meter dry products. Humidity of products varies from 12-14%.

Block house imitation bar size has the following:

  • length of the material from 2 to 6 m;
  • thickness from 2 to 4 cm;
  • width can be very different - 14, 17, 19, 20 cm or other, depending on the wishes of the customer.

Selecting a size

When choosing the size of the board, the following is taken into account:

  • what will be the finish (external or internal);
  • length of wall to be trimmed.

Simulation of the bar must be chosen so that there are as few joints as possible. This will help achieve a beautiful and maximum imitation of the structure of a log or beam.

If the joints of the interior finish can be covered with decor elements and furniture, then the outer lining is always in sight. Therefore, the type of material should be selected, given the purpose of the finish.

imitation timber dimensions

The size of imitation of the beam for exterior finishing

For facades, as a rule, panels are used,having a thickness of 25-30 mm, and a width of not less than 150 mm. So you can get the most resemblance to the house from the present beam. If you use a narrower panel, the paneling will be similar to the finish of the lining. Why then overpay? If the walls are longer than 3 m, then it is more advisable to use panels in 6 m. This will help to achieve a minimum number of dockings.

But do not forget that the larger the sizematerial, the greater its weight and, accordingly, the more difficult the installation. The greatest difficulties arise when facing the walls with panels with a large size - 35 by 190 mm.

board imitation timber dimensions

Simulation of the beam: dimensions for interior decoration

Interior decoration by a wide board is notit is recommended as it visually reduces the room. Usually, panels are used, the width of which is at least 110 mm, and the thickness is 16-22 mm. And inside the room this material can be fastened in different directions, which allows you to choose a more convenient length. The most commonly used length is 2 and 3 m. It is not advisable to take a 6 m panel for interior finishing.

To simulate the bar sold special socalled kleimers, which differ in number. The value of the number is equal to the width of the hook, which includes its slot in the panel. The sizes of the kleimers for simulating the beam are different, so it is very important to choose them correctly so that they approach the board. They are sold in a package of 100 or 200 pieces together with screws or nails for fastening.

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