/ / Tips for a positive person, or How to cheer yourself up

Tips for a positive person, or How to cheer yourself up

Autumn has come - it's a dreary time.But even now you do not need to relax, you must always be in a cheerful mood. But how to achieve this? How to raise your spirits if you are sick at heart? Now we will share with you good recommendations on this matter.

how to cheer yourself up

Some sweets

Let's start with the most interesting - with delicacies.If you are depressed, then eat a piece of your favorite chocolate. Even if you are on a diet, do not forbid yourself to eat one or two lobules of such a treat. Give your body a little happiness hormone. Another product that enhances the mood is the apple. Therefore, chew on health such fruits! In addition, apples obviously will not damage your figure. Good edible "antidepressants" are seafood. If you eat salad with squid and shrimp, then you will not only improve your mood, but fill the body with useful elements.

Music that cheers up

Club, pop, rap, chanson - no matter what stylemusic you did not like, most importantly, that it matches your style or worldview. These are the melodies that "warm" your soul. How to cheer yourself up? You do not have to invent ingenious ways, just simply include your favorite song, which will only give you positive memories. If you still dance, then the mood level will increase significantly.

music uplifting
The film that raises the mood, - myth or reality?

"Are there such films?" - You ask in surprise.Of course, there are. After viewing them, you are in a better mood and the overall condition improves. Comedy is an amazing genre. Looking through these movies, you raise your mood, because they have a lot of funny moments. Not bad options for viewing (but not only comedy) - "Marley and I", "Untouchables". Another good film is "The Secret". This is a documentary about the power of thought. After watching this movie, the mood will improve, and it may seem that you have wings, that you can do anything. Listen to the advice that sounds in the movie, and you will forever forget about everything bad. Look at the "Secret", and you will understand how to cheer yourself up.


Animals are amazing creatures.From their kind on the soul becomes warm. They are so cute and funny, and games with them bring a lot of pleasure, both to man and animal. You have a cat at home - tie a rope to the rope and start a funny game. If you are the owner of the dog, then you can start the fun with the ball.

mood movie


How to cheer yourself up?Go for a walk in the park if the weather permits. Take a breath of fresh air. If you are lonely to walk, then take a friend or favorite dog with you. Together you will be more fun. With a friend, you can always talk about something interesting or just have a good laugh. And with your favorite dog you can run or play ball.


Sleep is a very useful activity.Therefore, if something does not work out for you, the mood at all has evaporated somewhere, just go to bed! After a pleasant holiday everything will be fine. The mood at you necessarily will improve. In addition, there will be a lot of strength for new beginnings.

How to cheer yourself up? It's very simple, if you listen to our advice. You just want to - and you will succeed!

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