/ How to cheer yourself and others?

How to cheer yourself and others?

Very often we wake up and feel that everythingnot as usual: life is not so cheerful, you do not want to go to work, the image in the mirror does not please and in general it's somehow sad at heart. Agree that such a mood at the beginning of the day - quite a sad prospect! That's why there are ways how to cheer yourself and friends, if you really want to help them overcome an easy depressive state.

The fact is that if you understand, the reasonIts negative mood can be easily identified and quickly eliminated. Let's just define the opportunities, using which, you are guaranteed to feel a rush of good spirits.

In how to cheer up, it's bestfriends help (if, of course, they are real). It's only necessary to pick up the phone, invite them to visit or go out to have fun together - and sadness, like a hand took off. Friends in fact just created to lift the mood, well, or, at the worst, just help to unwind. After all, you remember how one day, seeing a girlfriend or friend in the same condition, rushed to the rescue. And your comrades will answer you a hundredfold, do not doubt! The main thing is not to lose heart, not to begin to feel sorry for yourself, because this only aggravates the situation. Remember that cheerfulness of spirit is the work of your hands. If you do not want to, no one or nothing will switch you to a "different wave."

However, you should also know how to raisemood to a friend, then to be able to help him. You can take a chocolate bar or a delicious drink, which perfectly raise the mood, and come on a visit. Even if he or she is on a diet, a few delicacies at such a minute will only benefit. Not the best choice - alcohol. You can get carried away and - either do something stupid, or get into a bad situation. And the undoubted harm of alcohol is still in force! This can not be forgotten.

If you do not know how to cheer upfriend, just come to her and talk. Remember that at times like this you rarely want to be alone. Even a simple conversation "about nothing" will help to defuse the situation and improve mental state.

Let's look at the basic tips that psychologists give to people who do not know how to quickly cope with a bad mood:

  1. Try to smile at yourself in the mirror and keep a smile for a few minutes. It really makes you forget about bad thoughts and get cheerful.
  2. Imagine that after the incident a lotyears, and try to look at all with different eyes. Definitely one thing: the problem will not seem so serious and sad. So why sad now, in the present?
  3. One way to improve your mood is to help oneproven means: you should never think about the bad. Remember that thoughts materialize. Therefore, imagine only good things, and life will improve itself.
  4. A sense of humor always helps, if there are no other assistants. Moreover, one hundred percent.
  5. Look around: the world is full of joy and happiness. The positive nature that nature gives us is so enormous that our troubles in comparison with it are just a fine gray grain of sand.

One of the options for how to raisemood, if no one is around, - pour out your experiences on paper. As long as you write methodically, the brain will automatically switch to another type of activity and will displace a part of the negative from memory. You can also draw an object of your experiences, portraying it in an allegorical or satirical way. The process will distract you, and the result will amuse you.

There are also many other ways thathelp to cheer yourself and others. This is only a small part of them. It is important to remember that despair gives rise to despair. So do not shed tears, you need to look for a positive around yourself. And you will find it, this is unequivocal!

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