/ / Relationships: what to do if a loved one does not love you

Relationships: what to do if a loved one does not love you

Probably nothing worse (except for deaths anddiseases, of course) than unrequited love. This is one of the most painful forms of mental suffering. It is especially acute, with an anguish, it is heavy and melancholy, it occurs in adolescence, which is rarely seen by anyone without such a murderous and all-consuming love. The first love, which is often unrequited, is an age-related illness, which, fortunately, goes along with the childhood years of life. Becoming older, we are no longer so affected by emotional storms, although love without reciprocity can happen even at a fairly respectable age. And if the first love, because of the specific age with its maximalism, has already been experienced and quickly forgotten, then a "mature" unrequited feeling can sometimes be even more difficult. What if the person you do not love? To stay or to abandon him? Both options are difficult to implement.

what to do if a loved one does not love you

What if the person you do not love?

There are no universal answers to this question, noin the world of two identical people. The most "simple" options for developing such a relationship are the parting or the continuation of torture for one side. The gap, of course, is painful and sometimes very difficult to survive. However, it looks like a shock therapy: at first it's scary, but then it's good. It is because of the fear of this initial, temporary pain that so many women do not dare to take radical measures. They prefer to stay in these relationships, hoping for an illusory reciprocity, than to change something in their life. No one can condemn anyone here, everyone has the right to dispose of his destiny in the way he likes. If it is decided to stay, then what should I do about it? If a loved one does not love you, but you do not want to lose him, but also dreams of getting him reciprocated, then it's worth staying.

words to the beloved guy
But you need to be patient, prepare forpainful and tearing expectations and days, when there will be a faint hope for the manifestation of gentle feelings on his part. In addition, what else to do, if a loved one does not love you? Work on yourself and change to cause even an interest in yourself, which then can be transformed into something else.

What you need to do to win love

"Conquer" is a word with a touch of aggression, but soit is customary to speak when they want to get the love from their object. If you decide to do this, choose a tactic, resorting to which, you can wake up passion in it. It should include elements such as working on your appearance (changing hair style, make-up style, improving the figure), working on your own behavior and attitude towards your man. What does this mean? Say pleasant and gentle words to your beloved guy when meeting and alone.

how to call loved one
Men are not indifferent to compliments and praise,Just do it as if casually, in no case obsessively. How to call a loved one with this? You can traditionally: "cat", "rabbit", "sun", "beloved", "you are my hero", "only", "unique", etc. The main thing is that the timbre of the voice at the same time radiated tenderness, affection. Let him know that he is the best of men on earth. Of course, with some compliments the way to his heart can not be broken, but this will be one of the most important components in the strategy. And everything else has to be selected based on the characteristics of a particular man.

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