/ / Learn finally what to do if there is nothing to do

Learn finally what to do if there is nothing to do

Have nothing to do? Desperate for anguish and boredom? Lucky! Do not you think so? Worried about the question of what to do if there is nothing to do? The situation is easily reparable. Here is the list, the choice is yours:

what to do if there is nothing to do
1.Take a mug and pour yourself a topical tea. What does it mean actual? If you want to lose weight, then the actual for you - green or ginger with cinnamon. With a cold - crimson. During the depression - with melissa. In general, the meaning is clear.

Do you still wonder what to do if you have nothing to do?

2. Try to determine who you are by nature: choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic or sanguine. This is necessary for choosing a lesson, the success of which depends on your temperament:

- The choleric will be happy to do itperfection of the figure (physical exercises, jogging) or a room in which he misses (he will change furniture, he will drive a nail into the wall to hang a portrait of his beloved grandfather, etc.).

- Sanguine can do magic cleaning,the magic of which consists in getting rid of diseases (any discarded unnecessary thing, wrapper, clip), attracting luck (washing the mirror - a magnet for success), daring detractors (discarded garbage and pouring water into the toilet after washing the floor), attracting love (watering indoor plants ) etc.

just do nothing

- What if there is nothing to do phlegmatic? Call a friend, or even better - parents. So you fulfill your duty, and you will hear the opinion of an authoritative person for you, even if you did not ask for advice.

- Melancholics can very well be satisfied with a computer game or playing chess with yourself.

3.If there is nothing to do, you can turn on the music you like, and learn new movements before the big mirror. At the next party, these skills will be useful to you. So you and time will perfectly spend, and good mood for the future will be reserved.

4."What if there's nothing to do?" - weird question. And what about interesting reading, an exciting movie, communication on forums? Maybe it's worth just going for a walk - to admire the winter evening or, conversely, to feel the spring freshness?

5.In the train, when the crossword pestered, tea is drunk and again just nothing to do, it's very good to test your observational reading skills on people's faces, their facial expressions and gestures. You can make a psychological portrait of a neighbor, and then arrange yourself a test for accuracy, tying with him a simple conversation.

6. And why is it necessary to do something? Just enjoy, after all, "doing nothing". It's so rare that it happens!

if there is nothing to do,

7.For you, "doing nothing" is not a single episode of life, but a natural one? Exit here alone - find a hobby for yourself! Your favorite pastime will not let you miss a minute. And if it still brings income, you rise to a new level of life.

Think about what you like to do:knit, weave baskets, compose, draw, make love, give advice to all who need it, work out a stroke. The buyer for any work is sure to be found. You will then thank fate for these moments of idleness, prompting you to do self-improvement.

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