/ / Entertaining sites: for those who have nothing to do

Entertaining sites: for those who have nothing to do

Lost in the realities of life and giving himself to"Eating" of senseless contemplations of what is happening, people sometimes sacrifice their own time. Spontaneously caused by an indifferent mood simply does not predispose to anything meaningful and productive, and at such times, sites for those who have nothing to do become a kind of outlet, often saving from insane thoughts and the oppressive state of an unreasonable spleen.

Calm, only peace ...

Sites for those who have nothing to do

If you sometimes have nothing to oppose the negativein moments of powerlessness, and you realize that you are in a deadlock situation, and your brain completely refuses to give an answer to the omnivorous question of what to take in the moments of a "counterproductive" state - sites for those who have nothing to do, are fully consistent with their purpose - "to kill time ", but meaningful and with a share of special significance! Motor activity or an easy analysis process will help a person to find peace of mind and turn "destruction" into a creative element of unobtrusive good.

Is it not good to fly away for some time into the boundless space of unconsciousness?

Let's consider the main points of the life process, when the loss of time is unconditional and predetermined, and also inevitable and is simply an inevitable phenomenon ...

When we go, sail and fly ...

A trip over long distances, often expressed ina significant expenditure of human resources can be compensated by reading, talking with an interesting interlocutor, analyzing the dialogue between the passengers in the immediate vicinity or used electronic devices, through which the user can visit the sites for those who have nothing to do and distract themselves from the tiresome road. Perhaps you will be interested in the resource "Merry Giraffe". Convenient navigation and non-coercive service will allow you:

  • slap the door (if you want);
  • listen to the sound of sea waves (relaxes incredibly);
  • draw a pencil (and suddenly the artist sleeps in you);
  • Enjoy the panorama of New York (dream);
  • listen to how naked little men are notifying local time (stunning effect).

List of sites when there is nothing to do

Do not rush to extremes

The state of detachment, often wronglyperceived as "thoughtfulness", in fact is the true "devourer of temporary traffic", allocated to homo sapiens (y) from the general definition - "life cycle". It is at such moments that we "swim" and are unable to respond to stimuli. Like a clam close in our own shell of consciousness, we expose our nature to danger, turning off the original protection and plunging the organism into a state of uncontrollable prostration. Recognizing the same, we do not understand the value of the "free flight" and are incapable of applying it for good (epistolary exercises of the thinking apparatus), which in the end is a waste of precious minutes and even hours!

Interesting sites when there is nothing to do: the essence of the definition

It is not a secret for anyone that everyoneman in his own way is individual and is a unique person, with only one characteristic of his character and a unique set of chromosomes. Variety in nature allows everyone to self-determine and exist according to one's own convictions, outlook and religion. Thanks to modern technologies, and in particular to the Internet, many sites for those who have nothing to do can offer a variety of options and solutions for "free" pastime. It is such a phenomenon as interest that contributes to the full development of the individual, both intellectually and spiritually, of perfection. The universality of the content of Internet resources, and at least this - "When there is nothing to do" - allows you to spend time, sometimes practically different, in the literal sense of the word, to people using the same site for their own purposes. The electronic world is inherently an endless and inconceivably infinite space of information. On the site with a funny name "Stepashka" you will be offered films of various genres, as well as the ability to "pofludit, chat in chat or take advantage of one of the many faceted features of the service. In order not to be bored, you can simply chase an arrow across the screen or alternate day to night in a huge metropolis using one of the innumerable applications that offer cool sites when there is nothing to do. However, you are already familiar with some of them.

Funny sites, when there is nothing to do

Who is looking for, he is already interested!

Agree, waiting to see a doctor, givensuch a social phenomenon as the queue, sometimes there is nothing to occupy ... A kind of comfort, and quality content, can again offer a well-known global network - the Internet. Probably, everyone who knows the usefulness of the World Wide Web in a little way has in the arsenal (bookmarks) a couple of sites that are of special interest to him because of the specification of the proposed information that meets the user's preferences. But everything gets boring, and nothing is perfect. Therefore, all of us are in constant search: new sensations, useful things and other manifestations of "impermanence." Of course, the user is updated with a list of sites when there is nothing to do. By the way, the "price-list of idleness" can be downloaded as a finished product: many users discard valuable material in the form of compact annotations and links to the resource, through which you can:

  • mutilate his own "I" (marasmus, but popular);
  • to wonder at the magical abilities of the application ("that's it, how!");
  • to guess all and everyone (truly foolishness);
  • reproduce the offspring (very interesting primitiveness!);
  • read nonsense and at the same time wildly "neigh" (a somewhat dangerous occupation in terms of insanity);
  • to burst the vials (not to eat!);
  • look at the visual effects (forcing the eyes to rotate incredibly).

And much, much more, clearly referring to the true "doing nothing".

Interesting sites when there is nothing to do


Of course, among the "durkovaniya" can be found anduseful sources of inspiration (applications): write music, write a sentence with meaning, solve a "global" problem, or take part in another useful scenario aimed at meaningful actions. Therefore, always, despite: melancholy or nostalgia, apathy or "unbridled" laziness, - remember the ancient wisdom: "Everything is permissible to me, but not everything is useful." Be sound and fear recklessness!

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