/ / How to configure the enhanced security configuration settings in IE?

How to configure the enhanced security configuration settings in IE?

The browser is the most popular waymalware penetration on the computer. And to reduce the likelihood of infection, it is necessary to keep the protection settings at the highest level. It should be remembered that although the inclusion of the enhanced security configuration and reduces the likelihood of unpleasant consequences when using the browser, there is still a human factor. How to minimize it, will be told at the end of the article, in the recommendations.

What is the configuration of enhanced security?

enhanced security configuration

What is it?The main goal that is pursued with the inclusion of the enhanced security configuration is to reduce the risk of attacking the server (alas, does not give a 100% guarantee). When configuring, it is necessary to take into account a number of aspects, choosing the level of protection.

  1. High security. In this mode, incorrect display is possible.pages or applications, but at the same time decreases the likelihood of successful implementation of a malware from the Internet (using a browser) by blocking potential sources of infection.
  2. Medium security level. It is recommended to install for those siteswhom you trust, and in which there were no flaws. If you are asked to add a resource where you are new, better not to agree. This includes domains from the Reliable Sites section.
  3. The security level is below average. Used for content derived fromlocal network. Installing it is necessary only for what you trust. When applying this level in the browser when you re-request a username and password, they will be sent automatically.

How to add a site to the list of reliable resources?

enhanced security configuration

If you think a resource deservesmore trust, you can add it to the list of trusted sites so that it can be fully displayed. To do this, perform several actions in the following sequence:

  1. Go to the site.
  2. Double-click the name of the security zone in the status bar.
  3. Select Trusted Sites, and then click on the Sites button.
  4. Click on the "Add" button and enter the domain.
  5. Reload the resource page and enjoy the result.

Using enhanced security configuration for network management for specific user groups

And what if restrictions are necessary, butjust for a specific user group? To set advanced security configuration settings for them, you need to do the following:

  1. Log in as administrator to a specific computer.
  2. Go to the control panel.
  3. Find the “Add or Remove Programs” window, and here choose “Install Windows Components”.
  4. Opposite the “Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration” checkbox, then click on the “Details” button.
  5. Select a group of users for whom these settings will be active and click on the “OK” button.
  6. Click on "Next", then on "Done."
  7. Restart the browser for the settings to take effect.

Disable Enhanced Security ConfigurationInternet Explorer must be done the same way as inclusion, but with a slight difference. In paragraph 4, uncheck the box. To select for which users the restriction of the enhanced security configuration will apply, you can list these people in advance in a specially created group.

Browser Security Tips

internet explorer enhanced security configuration

Setting the enhanced security configuration provides software protection, but much depends on the human factor. And in connection with this I would like to give some tips:

  1. It is not recommended to use a server to view the contents of network resources.
  2. Download drivers and service packs need, resorting to the help of client computers.
  3. Do not browse sites that are not secure.
  4. For routine work, use records with restricted rights so that no program can install and register in registers.
  5. To limit the ability to make changes to your computer, use Group Policy.
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