/ / Is charisma a gift or skill?

Is charisma a gift or skill?

We all faced the fact that in a society of differentpeople we feel and behave in completely different ways. Someone from the first words instills in us optimism and hope, a conversation with him brings self-confidence, pleases and warms. And someone, on the contrary, causes a desire to say goodbye as soon as possible and never again to see. What is charisma? This is an innate gift or skill? Can you learn to charm people?

American psychologists believe that everything is given with practice.

charm it
But remember the radiant, but at the same time, coldsmiles of Americans. Being an optimist in public, hiding all your problems and experiences does not mean attracting people. Charm is a magnet. With a person who has this quality, I want to communicate again and again. What is the secret? The main property, which is personal charm, is the presence of empathy. This is the ability to "feel" in the position of the interlocutor. The ability to genuinely empathize with him and let him understand this. Charm is, rather, an innate ability. After all, you can not empathize. How can you not learn to be good-natured. You can, of course, learn different techniques of manipulating people, controlling them and their behavior, facial expressions, gestures. But a deep sense of intimacy with someone can not be raised in themselves or in others. What attracts us in charming people? First of all, they are located to us. It feels, feels "skin".
personal charm
This can not be played, because the internalprudence is often perceived at a subconscious level. Therefore, charisma is first of all sincerity. But not intrusive, not aggressive. A person who has the gift of fascinating others, knows how to listen. And he must also subtly feel all the nuances and shades of the interlocutor's well-being and deeply understand the situation.

From the charming people emanate fluids of warmth andgoodwill. That is, such a person can not be arrogant or arrogant. He, as a rule, has adequate self-esteem. He is attentive, but not intrusive. The feminine charm is completely independent of the formal "correct" beauty. We all met girls and young people who did not differ in ideal appearance or sports figures. But the intrinsic heat inherent in them makes them much more attractive than the cold beauty of the arrogant ladies or the glossy elegance of the gentlemen.

Thus, charm is the quality of personality, character.

feminine charm
This is the ability to have people with you, notputting effort to it. Of course, this quality is highly valued in any team. Such a person, as a rule, does not have enemies. Simply because by his warmth and benevolence he disarms them. This quality is especially important in all professions connected with communication. A charming salesman or a consultant manager will be able to win the client's liking and win it over much quicker and more naturally. In hospitals and clinics, patients are treated with special trepidation to doctors and nurses with this quality. A charming teacher or teacher is a favorite of all his pupils. And although you can not learn this property, you can try to develop in yourself such qualities as empathy, the ability to empathize and sympathize. Because wherever we work, no matter what we do, positive communication with people will always bring us only good.

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