/ Steam heater: reviews of the owners. DIY steam-drop heater: drawings, device, principle of operation

Steam heater: reviews of the owners. DIY steam-drop heater: drawings, device, principle of operation

Steam heater, reviews of which youIt will certainly be interesting to read before purchasing equipment, it is a modern unit of heat exchange type, which is very different from the known heating devices. The principle of its operation is that there is water in the system, which is heated by electricity. The water circuit is completely closed. This allowed us to create a fairly simple, but very effective heat transfer scheme.

general description

steam drop heater reviews

Парокапельный нагреватель, отзывы о котором вы can read below, in fact, is a heat accumulator that concentrates the heat-transfer fluid with high temperature. Even if the electricity is turned off, the coolant will generate heat for some time. This is the main distinguishing feature of the described type of heater from other electrical analogs that cool down after disconnecting from the AC network. The vapor-drop heater has a coolant inside, the temperature of which can vary from 90 to 120 degrees. These modern devices have high-precision automatic units, through which you can adjust the temperature and operation of the device. Automation is manageable quite simple, the user will be able to independently understand it.

Owner feedback

steam drop heater

Нагреватель парокапельный, отзывы о котором вам will help determine the choice, has many advantages. According to buyers, such devices are characterized by a long service life, which is installed within 30 years according to the manufacturer's calculations. This quality is due to the fact that there is no air inside the metal closed structure, where there is a liquid heat carrier and steam. All this indicates that metal corrosion processes do not occur.

Among other things, this container cannot explode,since it contains a certain amount of water that does not completely fill the tank. The steam droplet heater, reviews of which it will be interesting to read to any consumer, has another advantage, which is expressed in the absence of the possibility of device rupture when the heating system is turned off. In this case, the electric heater may freeze, but it will not lead to negative consequences. According to customers, this is due to a small amount of water inside, which can freeze when the temperature drops, and when the device is turned on, it defrosts again. After the water continues to circulate in a predetermined cycle.

Нагреватель парокапельный, отзывы о котором quite often, only positive, allows you to adjust and adjust the temperature in each room at the discretion of the owners. At the same time, it is necessary to install a device in each room, which allows saving on energy consumption. Buyers choose this equipment also for the reason that it can be used in premises of various purposes. Most often they act as an additional heating system. If we are talking about buildings of small size, the vapor-drop heaters can be used in the form of the main heating.

Home masters also like the fact that it is quite simple to install this device yourself. Traditionally, it is placed under a window opening, although this is not the only option.

Device construction

steam drop heater do it yourself

Factory steam-drop heaters with somethingresemble tubular radiators that are very close in size. The tubular design is used for the reason that it has such a form in which the heat release occurs as efficiently as possible. The coolant moves more easily through the pipe from the hot zone to the heat transfer region. The device has a shape that resembles a conventional radiator made of pipes. This indicates a greater likelihood of making such a device with your own hands. The system has an electric water heater, which consists of a body based on a heat insulating material. This part is equipped with a heat-conducting upper lid, in which there are U-shaped heating elements with conductive leads.

Principle of operation

steam droplet heater device

Steam droplet heater, principle of operationwhich you should know if you are going to make it yourself, it functions by converting electrical energy in a closed cyclic space. Ultimately, thermal energy is obtained by heating a limited amount of water. After it turns into steam, what happens in the hermetic cavity of the heating compartment. The steam condenses, releases heat, and water flows down the inclined inner surfaces, entering the heating element. In this part, the fluid is again converted to vapor. In general, it can be noted that such pipeless heating systems are an estimated number of vapor-drop heaters distributed over the floor space. In this case, the heating composition of the equipment is combined into one electrical network, the operation of which is regulated by electronic control.

Preparation for work

steam-drop heater operation principle

In order to manufacture a steam droplet heater, it is necessary to initially prepare some materials and tools, including a cover, stainless wire, a copper pipe, and a valve.

Nuances of works

steam-drop heaters owners reviews

На металлическую трубу устанавливается крышка, к which is fixed to the pipe is not too large diameter. On the other hand, it is necessary to eliminate the ingress of air. The result should be a design that allows you to regulate heat generation. The device can use as a heat agent not only water, but also other liquids of the type of low-boiling oil.

The master must create steam condensatesealed enclosure, which is mounted on the supports. You must create a heating chamber with a liquid inside which the housing of the electric heating element with conductive leads is installed. They should be fixed to the end wall of the case, the heating chamber should be located at an angle to the horizon so that the heating element is in the chamber below the level of the surface of the heat agent.

Making a device yourself

steam drop heater reviews

Steam and Drum Heater DIY (drawingsit is presented in the article) can also be made. The body of the homemade unit will consist of a pipe, which is made of stainless steel, aluminum or copper. The filling of the metal pipe occurs through the cover, which is fixed by a pipe of small diameter. The second end of this pipe must be tightly closed. A valve is installed on the filling pipe, which is necessary for gas analysis. The owner of the dwelling carries out these manipulations after life tests.

Wick fabrication

When choosing a wick, please note that the materialit must be compatible with the working fluid. When making a steam-drop heater with your own hands, you should provide it with a wick. The wick is most commonly used as a braided wire mesh. This element can be woven from monel, copper or stainless wire. For the manufacture of the wick is not recommended to use aluminum mesh, as it is quite difficult to weave.

Experts recommend to makeuse stainless steel mesh. The connection of elements with each other should be carried out by diffusion welding. This will allow to form a sufficiently strong solid wick, which is associated with the walls of the body of the metal pipe. The master should carry out diffusion welding at a temperature of 1150 degrees in a vacuum furnace. It is not always possible in everyday life to create such conditions, which is why if you decide to make a steam-drop heater with your own hands, then the implementation of several elements should be entrusted to specialists. The wick can be made of felt as well as foam material. On sale you can find metal and ceramic felt.


You must have studied the devicesteam-drop heater, if you plan to produce it. This will make it clear that the slope of the heating chamber should be at an angle of 20 degrees, but not more. Its position should be such that it faces towards the end wall of the housing. Such an effect can be achieved if the supports are made of different heights. They should be located at different ends of the body. Parokappelnye heaters, reviews of the owners about which were presented above, should have an electric heating element, which is fixed using gaskets, fittings or cap nut and nipple.

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