Fisheries rules

Fishing - a favorite pastime of manycitizens of our country (especially in the summer season). But this is also a process that requires compliance with fishing rules, because natural resources must be treated with care.

The norms of fishing are determined in each regionat the level of local legislation. The rules specify the methods of fishing, the possible types of gear, specify the time and place of authorized fishing.

Both young people and the elderly like to sit ona river bank or a pond with a fishing rod in hand. Sports and amateur fishing actively develops. But at the same time, attention is paid to the protection of nature, for which the government of the federal and regional laws and regulations are adopted.

Everywhere the fishing rules permit a fishingI catch fishing rods, and in the summer and winter. Spinning and fly fishing are allowed. Other methods of fishing are either prohibited or restricted. For example, the use of explosives, spears, nets.

In addition to special cases, when the reservoir is inprivate property, fishing is allowed to all citizens free of charge. Members of the sport fishing community are engaged in fishing for a permit issued by the company. And it can be paid or free. The government determines the categories of citizens who are exempt from payment.

Legislative regulationsAmateur fisheries provide for the conservation of fish stocks. Amateur societies of hunters and fishermen conclude contracts with the bodies of fish protection. Strictly observed implementation of the agreements. If the fisheries society systematically refuses to comply with the agreement points, does not conduct work on the organization of cultural use of fish resources, in such cases the document can be terminated.

The fish protection authorities issue licenses for fishing,belonging to valuable species, to the members of the society of amateur anglers who carry out fishing on the recommendations of scientific institutions. For fishing in certain water bodies, a personal permit is required. Fisheries reserves also organize fishing for amateurs and fishers-athletes, guided by their own mode of work.

Observing the rules of fishing, societyFishermen-amateurs conduct sport competitions that can take place at different levels (local, interregional, republican). To hold competitions in fishing, preliminary amateur societies and voluntary sports societies agree on the timing of their holding with the fish protection authorities.

Fishermen must ensure that theiractivities did not inflict damage to natural resources. Therefore, the rules of fishing contain requirements that must be observed by both anglers and sportsmen and amateurs. They are obliged to adhere to the adopted rules when visiting the reservoir, to monitor its cleanliness and sanitary condition.

Fisheries authorities can not only issuelicenses and enter into contracts with amateur anglers, but also set a time limit for the prohibition of fishing, depending on the weather conditions. In some cases, during the forbidden period, it is permitted to fish, but with less gear.

With a fisherman must have a document,identity card and membership card if it is a member of a hunter and fisherman society. It is impossible to disturb public order on water bodies and always should help inspectors of fish protection at detention of infringers.

Of course, the fishing rules are much widerlisted here requirements, but all of them must be observed in the territory of our large country. After all, a real fisherman (like a hunter) should be able not only to take from nature, but also to preserve its wealth.

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