/ / Eric Abidal - a football player with fighting spirit

Eric Abidal - a footballer with fighting spirit

Do many people exist, not to mentionprofessional football players who after a serious illness can return to their usual life and just continue to work, be an excellent family man and the soul of the company? Such people, unfortunately the whole society, is not so much, but a striking example of this is the French player Eric Abidal. Defender in the role, the former player of the Catalan "Barcelona", the French "Monaco" and an excellent family man, who has three beautiful daughters. Read his biography.

Eric Abidal. Childhood and youth

Born Eric Silvain Abidal in quite the samea major city of the Republic of France - in Lyon, in 1979. Becoming a young footballer began in his hometown, but unfortunately the Academy of Lyon, who could not consider the talent of the boy Erik, he played at the Academy of Lyon-Ducher. Still very young, he not only securely closed both flanks of defense and effectively connected along the edge to attack, but he could also play in the central zone, completely "eating" the attacking enemy.

Biography Eric Abidal

Beginning of the gaming gaming career

As a professional player, Erik made his debut in2000, in the midst of one of the rivals FC of his native city of Lyon "Monaco". 2 not very successful season Abidal spent for the command of a small principality in the south of France, having played 22 games during this time, but managed to get noticed once. In 2002, the young Frenchman joined the "Lille" team, which he also left after 2 seasons, but the performance in this club can be called more than successful. Having completed 62 games and being the main player of "Lille", Eric Abidal returned to his hometown, to the team that dominated in France - "Olympic Lyon". 3 phenomenal seasons he spent for the "French lions", as they were then called due to the animal depicted on the emblem of the club. He managed to become the main player of white and blue, and from that moment the era of the ascent of the star Erik Abidal began.

Eric Abidal defender

Starry hour

After France, Eric received such a proposal,from which he simply could not refuse in his right mind. Catalan Barcelona itself offered a promising Frenchman to sign a contract with them, which Abidal did not hesitate. € 15 million was paid to Olympique Lyonnais for this transfer, and at that time it was a colossal amount of money, and not every club could afford to throw such a sum to buy a football player, especially a representative of the defensive line (as a rule, they are much cheaper than midfielders and forwards). Time in "Barcelona" can be called the culmination moment, which occurs in the career of every football player. Could Eric Abidal have imagined 7-8 years ago that he would play regularly as part of a grand European gig and go on applauding 90,000 fans to the Camp Nou? The answer is obvious. From 2007 to 2013, for as long as 6 years, the Frenchman with his soul and body gave himself over to the Catalan grandee and played 125 matches in the blue-garnet match, but his illness seriously knocked him down ...

Eric Abidal disease

Eric Abidal: a disease

In 2011, all the players passed, it seemedwould, a mere formality - a medical examination. For Abidal, that day became something fatal, during the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity he had an inoperable tumor of the liver - cancer. To help in this case could only transplant. Fortunately for Abidal and his relatives, the donor had to look not too long, they volunteered to be Eric's cousin. Thanks to the support of relatives and the Catalan club, which completely took over the financing of Abidal treatment, the transplantation was successful and the liver "caught on". More than once in support of the French defender in T-shirts with phrases: "Everything will be fine, Abidal" on the field went players from different teams, and even the arch-enemy of Barcelona - Madrid "Real" - supported Eric, because this is not the grief of one family, fans who had the opportunity to watch the game of his pet.

Erik Abidal
After the barrier in the form of cancer wasAbidal went through a very difficult rehabilitation course, however, thanks to an extraordinary desire, he still managed to return to the field, but already in the club he played in many years ago - "Monaco". It was not possible to gain a foothold there, and therefore the option with the Pyrean Olympiakos did not look so bad, after all the team is in the "Champions League". Well, it remains to be wondered how much more will this high-level football player - Eric Abidal - be able to perform at a high level.

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