/ / World record in running for 100 meters: history, results.

World record in running for 100 meters: history, results.

The world record in running for 100 meters has been holding for more than 6 years. Stometrovka is the traditional and the most famous discipline of athletics.

World record in running for 100 meters
Competitions for running to this distance were conductedsince the first Olympic Games. The universality of the distance lies in the fact that it is on it that you can check the speed of a person so that he can run as fast as possible. As you know, athletics is the queen of sports, and hundred-meter is the most frequent standard in all its forms.


Мужские забеги на сто метров проводятся с ancient antiquity. Some historians believe that such competitions can be safely called the first sport. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the competitions were held almost without time. That is, the main attention was paid to the primacy of the participants at each particular tournament. In most cases, the races were conducted on a hard part of the ground, which was not always straight or even. As shoes were leather sandals, in which you can rub your feet to the blood with ordinary walking, not to mention running. Therefore, a modern amateur athlete can easily beat the world record by running for 100 meters, for example, the 1860s.

World record in running for 100 meters: men

Professional training and comfortable conditionsfor the competitions were created only in 1912, with the appearance of the first federation of athletics. The world record for running 100 meters was set by Donald Lippiknott, who overcame the distance in 10.6 seconds. Since then, the record has fought with different gaps. Time was reduced literally by a tenth of a second. A simple inhabitant of such a difference seems to be unimportant, but every athlete knows how hard it is to remove even the extra hundredths of a second on sprint distances.
The world record in running for 100 meters, since the 2000s, belongs to the Jamaicans. Usain Bolt in 2009 ran the distance for 9.58. Prior to this record belonged to his fellow citizen Asafa Powell.

World record for running at 100 meters for men

A new achievement was widely covered in the media, people who were far from athletics spoke about it. Now in the society "Usain Bolt" is a synonym for speed or sharpness.

World record in running for 100 meters for women

The women's 100 meters race does not have such deep roots as the male. But the competitions are held regularly since the 20th century and are included in the official program of the Summer Olympic Games.

World record in running for 100 meters for women
Примерно до 60-х годов для фиксирования hand chronometers were used. They were issued to specially trained judges, but it is completely impossible to exclude the human factor. The results "on the arm" differ with real time somewhere in 1-2 tenths of a second, which is quite serious for sprinting in light athletics. The world record for running 100 meters 10.9 seconds was set in 1973. But it is not considered official. At the moment, the best result is 10.49, set in 1988.
Men tend to dominateAfrican athletes who not only set world records, but also show better results. Women have the latest records belong to athletes from Germany and the United States.

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