David Ospina Ramirez is a Colombianfootballer, speaking for English "Arsenal". This year he turned 28 years old, so his career is far from over. Ospina David plays the position of the goalkeeper.
Ospina David was born on August 31, 1988 inColombia, where since youth was in the system of one of the strongest clubs in the country - "Atletico Nacional". It was there that he spent all his youth, and in 2006, when he was eighteen years old, David signed a professional contract with this club. Then he began to play for the main club, immediately booked a place in the starting lineup - so great was his talent. Naturally, with such a potential, Ospina could not stay long in Colombia - after only two and a half years and 97 matches in the "Atletico" goalkeeper went to conquer Europe. In the summer of 2008, Ospina, David signed a contract with the French "Nice", which paid him two million euros.
In "Nice" Ospina David almost immediatelywon a place in the starting lineup. Only in the first season he was not the most impressive figure - 25 matches. In the remaining seasons, the Colombian was always in the gate frame. For six years in "Nice" he played 189 matches, which is a very impressive indicator. Ospina managed to become a real legend of the club - only Olivier Ekuafni and Cedric Varro played more matches for him. However, in 2014, the player received an offer, from which it was difficult to refuse - he was offered to go to the English "Arsenal". Naturally, he agreed, and "Nice" got a compensation of four million euros.
The reason for such a sharp transition wasan amazing performance of the entire Colombian national team, and David Ospina in particular, at the 2014 World Cup. However, it turned out that David does not have much prospects in Arsenal. In the first season he played only 23 games, and in the second - only 12 in the current season. He appeared on the field only five times - he plays in the Champions League matches, while Peter Cech is in the Championship and the FA Cup. Of these five matches, Ospina only two managed to keep their goal intact.
In the Colombian national team, Ospina made his debut in 2007year, even before he moved to "Nice". However, with the transition to the European club, David was much more likely to appear on the field in the T-shirt of the national team. His benefit was the World Cup 2014, where the Colombians were able to reach the quarterfinals. In four games, he missed only two goals - and two more goals scored by the Brazilians, knocked out Colombia from the tournament. After that, Ospina was the main goalkeeper of the team in two Cups of America - in the second team reached the semi-finals, but lost, taking only third place. In total, David played for the national team of 70 matches, 30 of which did not miss a single goal.