/ / Winter bait for fishing with your own hands

Winter bait for fishing with your own hands

Bait for fishing is an urgent necessity.If you catch without prior "zachyvaniya", then, according to professionals, the most part of the production that can be counted in this reservoir is lost. Purchased bait, of course, is good, but "pleasure" is expensive. But if you know how to prepare a bait (for winter fishing or for fishing in any other season), you can easily do it at home, saving not only money, but also time. After all, often the purchase of privatization ends in the most zhor, which causes the angler despair and disappointment. And when preparing a bait for winter fishing with their own hands, you can make the necessary amount, also with a margin.

Winter bait for fishing

Half the success

Feeding fish before fishing ispreliminary provision of good fishing. And this formula works in all seasons. But if in the summer with this special problems do not happen, then preparing a bait for winter fishing with their own hands can deliver some trouble. After all, if with the beginning of the freezing of reservoirs and until the ice is completely established, the mining rushes to all the baits and bait, then somewhere in the middle of January everything changes. After all, even if the site of her parking is found, it is not known whether the fish will take the bait offered to her. Moreover, unlike the warm time and even the first ice age, in the winter, underwater inhabitants become sluggish and finicky. And because the fisherman must feel like a "true chef," offering potential prey, then one or another "dish" in order that she liked. But if all efforts to satisfy the fish appetite pay off, then this is the "starry hour" of the hunter. That's why the right bait for winter fishing is so important.


In order for submarine mining to pleaseproposed her privada, the latter should not scare her. Therefore, the bait for winter fishing should not be large-dispersed. Such a deficiency has mixtures prepared on the basis of cereal cereals. Much better "works" the winter bait for fishing, which in its composition, color and consistence does not stand out from all that surrounds the fish in the pond. Otherwise, an incomprehensible shmatok will instill prey in horror, which will drown in it any desire to refresh yourself. That's why the winter bait for fishing should be as much as possible crushed and preferably discreet color.

Bait for winter fishing

Some anglers interpret this"Phenomenon": the water in the pond becomes too transparent during the period of permanent ice, and the fish itself is more cautious than in warm weather. And because large particles of groundbait, not belonging to her native water body, will alarm her. Therefore, experienced hunters know that the winter bait for fishing in color should not differ from the coloring of the bottom in the place of the intended fishing.

It's worth knowing

Experienced anglers know that you should not rely onon flavored privoda, which in the summer so well attracted prey. If the winter bait for fishing will be very fragrant, then underwater inhabitants from it will jump aside. This is due to the fact that in low-temperature water, smells generally do not spread well. As a result, the following picture is observed: the fisherman, counting on a rich catch, strongly scents his winter bait, but the smell in the water remains in one place - near the feeding as a kind of shell. That is why the concentration of smells around the water is several orders of magnitude higher than underwater inhabitants are accustomed to feel during the winter months from their usual - natural food. In addition, it is believed that the winter bait for fishing, in contrast to the summer, should be more caloric. Experienced hunters achieve this by adding to the store food maggot or dried bloodworm. Another feature - when preparing winter complementary foods in its composition is recommended to add a bit of bottom soil. The fact is that when it enters the water the latter creates a cloud of turbidity, which attracts the fish and increases the duration of the action.

bait for winter fishing for roach

The recipe for winter complementary foods

The best is the "mixture" made from mangaand milk powder, mixed in equal proportions. Lure fishing is taken in dry form. Upon arrival, the mixture is diluted with water to form a thick mass. In each hole can be lowered no more than one tablespoon. Such a bait is suitable for those fishermen who catch, sitting in one place, and do not move around the reservoir. Some add bread crumbs to the mixture. This is how the bait for winter fishing is made for roach or other small prey.

Birds for winter fishing with their own hands

For larger inhabitants of the reservoiranother privada. For its preparation, take: a pound of breadcrumbs, a tablespoon of cake, 150 g of oatmeal and a glass of any food intended for aquarium fish. It can be, for example, dried daphnia. Grated sunflower seeds with oat flakes are added to breadcrumbs and forage. This mixture is poured into the hole one or two tablespoons. It perfectly "works" when the fish is at a shallow depth.

Winter fishing: bait for roach

With his own hands,catching this fish in one place. After fishing on the roach is just so interesting that this underwater inhabitant is very mobile and does not stand for long on one site. That's why it becomes a problem for the angler to keep it in one place for a long time, in order to have time to enjoy fishing.

Bait for winter fishing, for roach, especially,presupposes the presence of such components as dried daphnia, bloodworm or gum. The method of filing a prize depends on where the fishing will take place. If the depth is not very large and there is no flow, then it can be poured directly into the hole. And then the bait, gradually dipping into the water, will attract fish. And if the depth is significant - from four or more meters, it is better to lower the water to the bottom by special feeders, which must be used for winter roach fishing in the current. Otherwise, the lure will be cut, and the extraction will follow him to the side.

Bait for roach with your own hands

With your own hands is more reliable

The composition that the angler will make himself must bevisible for roach, tasty and have a flavor that attracts white fish. Bait should collect prey at the fishing point, but do not feed it, but only provoke it. Therefore, the ingredients must be ground very finely. In winter, the roach is very cautious. Privada should not lie at the bottom like a white spot. Made by hand, the winter bait for roach is shaded with cocoa, a similar function is performed by rye biscuits.

How to catch with lure

Do not bait roach at the same timeclosely located wells. This, as the experienced winter sports say, the fish only "rastashchitsya" over a large area. To feed the roach, the optimal distance between the holes is ten to twelve meters.

How to cook a bait for winter fishing

In winter, to feed white fish should be sparingly.In each hole, you need to make a small starting cast. If the depth allows, it is better to throw two or three balls the size of a walnut or one or two small cone feeders. When the roach bites off, two more lumps have to be thrown about ten kopecks.

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