/ / Freestyle is not just a sport, it's a whole life!

Freestyle is not just a sport, it's a lifetime!

Иностранное слово, что в переводе означает "free style", entered the Russian speech for a long time and is used in many spheres of life, including dances, vocals and music in general. However, most often this term refers specifically to mountain skiing and snowboarding. Freestyle is, rather, a way of life than just an active holiday.

What is this?

Freestyle means acrobaticjumps of different levels of complexity and form. Athletes often not only perform classical types of tricks, but also try to find new ways to cause admiration from the public. It may seem that this is an amateur kind of riding a snowboard or skiing, but it's quite the opposite.

freestyle view

Freestyle is a sport for professionals and those,who aspire to become them. Moreover, this is a separate branch and without special trampolines and trails you, most likely, will not get any trick. Therefore, in schools for freestyle there must be specially equipped snow parks. Also, each jump is evaluated: its quality depends on height, correctness of execution and landing and other factors. A distinctive feature of the style is the spectacularity and aesthetics of stunts.

Roots and disciplines of freestyle skiing

  1. Thanks to the ski acrobatics, which ispart of the Olympic Games since 1994, appeared freestyle. This discipline, where athletes do not use sticks, at a speed of 60 km / h and during a double or triple somersault they simply do not need them.
    freestyle ski acrobatics
  2. The higher and longer the jump, the more points you can get by practicing freestyle. Ski acrobatics is also one of the most popular varieties of style.
  3. With the increase in the popularity of this sport on snowy slopes, the mounds began to form, which are called moguls, which is why the discipline "mogul" - high-speed descent with jumps appeared.
  4. Одной из самых сложных и зрелищных ветвей freestyle is a ski-cross. Here the main task is to come to the finish line first, but with so many turns, jumps and waves it's hard to guess who will be the winner. Too great chance to get out of the race or just fall.
  5. Popular is also halfpipe - performing tricks on a U-shaped half-trench covered with a dense layer of snow. Athletes go from side to side, flying over the sides and demonstrating their skills.
  6. And finally slop-style, where the maximumthe height of the jump performs the rotation, sliding along the railing, grabbing the skis and tumbling. To prove their professionalism, participants need to use every obstacle in the distance for tricks.

Types of freestyle on snowboarding

There are five main directions of this technique, differing from each other by the surface on which jumps are performed:

  1. Big Air - tricks from special jumps.
  2. Gibbing - jumping on the rails and curbs.
  3. Half-pipe is the same as ski freestyle skiing. The snowboard rides from side to side along the arc, develops speed and rises into the air, allowing you to do tricks.
  4. Slopstyle - described above, only here athletes use the board.
  5. A flat surface - jumps are performed on a snow-covered flat descent, and any natural hillock is used as a springboard.

Basic tricks on the board

The basic elements of freestyle on an even surface are the ally and the nolly. They differ from each other only in the direction of the jump:

  • To make an ally, you need to transfer the weight of the body to the tail of the snowboard, and raise the nose at the same time. After this, push the support leg away from the ground and pull both legs towards you, you should get a jump.
  • And for the nolly, you need to start the trick from the nose, that is, raise the tail, and then jump. It's difficult to do at speed, but it's quite simple on the spot.

When you master the basic tricks, you can begin to move to the elements in motion and with the freestyle technique. Snowboard - part of you, you do not need to forget about it during the jumps:

  • Make an ollie and a nolly at speed will help the villi - slip on the slope with a nose in the air or tail of the board.

freestyle is

  • Switch - change the leading leg. That is, if you usually drive with your right foot in front, here in front you will have left.
  • Air - when during the jump the bottom of the board looks up, one of the most impressive stunts.
  • Nose / Teil roll is a 180 degree turn, with only one end of the board rising into the air.
  • Rotations - there are different angles, and if small,on 180 or 360, for example, do not require a jump, then at a turn of 900 degrees it's better to do it from the springboard. To maintain balance, to land by performing this kind of freestyle, you need two legs at once.
  • Fifty-fifty - usually done on the side, railing or rail, the main thing is to keep the board parallel to the floor.

freestyle snowboarding

  • Boardslaid - slip of the board perpendicular to the obstacle. Put the board at 90 degrees will help the trick ollie.
  • Grab the board (grab) - when the athlete grabs the board with his hand. It is not so difficult to do this: in the jump, bend your legs to yourself, thereby bringing the board closer to yourself. Crab can also be performed on skis.

Freestyle is what It will help you feel freedom of action inmovement, and it does not matter whether you ski or snowboard. If you will try to perform tricks and not lower your hands, very soon you will be able to impress your friends with your incredible jumps.

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