/ / How to pump the latissimus muscles back in the best way

How to pump the widest back muscles in the best way

Широчайшие мышцы спины часто называют просто "wings". Indeed, with good development, they resemble the wings of birds. To learn how to pump the latissimus muscles of the back, it is necessary to understand what kind of work they do, and what load will be optimal for their rapid development. Only an understanding of what exactly you are doing will allow you to perform exercises with maximum efficiency.

How the widest muscles of the back work

The widest back muscles are responsible for all kinds of traction andpull-ups. They play a big role in such sports as rowing, gymnastics and martial arts. And by themselves these muscles are not used, because their use requires the help of hands.

Поэтому второстепенную, но обязательную роль при The work of the "wings" is performed by the biceps and forearms. If the flexion of these muscles is not isolated, then most often they are used in conjunction with the "wings".

После того, как мы разобрались с механизмом the work of this muscle group, you can go on to the question: how to pump the latissimus muscles of the back. After all, for their good work will require considerable effort.

The most common exercise for the "wings"

Like most major muscle groups,there are quite a lot of various exercises for pumping the "wings". But the best of them at all times were considered the usual pull-ups on the bar. However, in the modern version, such exercises for the widest muscles can be replaced by pulling the blocks down on the power simulator.

If you choose a horizontal bar, you need to takewith his hands at a distance of 1.5-2 width of the shoulders and begin pulling. And the body should be constantly even, you can not help yourself with the help of jumps or bends. For example, when carrying out general physical training in the army, the instructor sometimes places a leaf on the soldier's shoes. When doing the exercise, it should not fall.

Тяга сверху вниз на тренажере аналогична pulling, but to create tension in the muscles is not the weight of your body, and the weight of the blocks themselves. In this case, the body should also remain stationary, for which fixators are used in the knee area.

Other exercises for the "wings"

Having dealt with how to pump the latissimus muscles of the back in the most common way, you can proceed to other, equally effective exercises. One of them is the pull rod in the slope.

If you have mastered basic exercises, then working withweighting in the slope should not heavily burden the lower back. This is very important, because for high-quality pumping it is necessary to use quite a lot of weight.

Put your feet to the width of your shoulders and slightly bendthem in the knees. Lean over and take the barbell. At the same time, the back should remain flat all the time to avoid injury to the spine. Raise the bar to your chest, pushing your elbows back as much as possible. Then lower it and make the necessary number of repetitions. The same exercise can be done on a power simulator, where instead of the bar will be used a counterweight from the blocks.

Now it's time to learn how to pump upthe widest back muscles with a pullover. To do this, take a dumbbell of moderate weight and lay it on the shoulder blades across the bench so that the head hangs from one side, and the lower back and legs are on the other. Well bend, raise the dumbbell with both hands over the chest, and bend your arms in the elbows by about 15 degrees.

Slowly lower them as far as possible behind the head.Do not change the angle of the elbow bend. After reaching the peak, slowly lift them back. The exercise does not only work out the back, but also the upper muscles of the chest, as well as the triceps. In addition, the use of additional weights will allow a good pumping of the back side of the deltoid muscles.

We dismantled the basic exercises for the back,which are used in the gym. But if you do not want to go to the gym and want to understand how to pump the latissimus muscles of the back of the house, then it's not so difficult. Just install a bar in the courtyard or in the interior door frame, and pull up a few dozen times a day. This will help to strengthen the back no worse than improving fitness on the simulators.

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