/ / How to pump the bottom press at home: simple exercises

How to pump the bottom press at home: simple exercises

Many people who follow their figure are askedquestion: "How to pump the bottom press at home?" This task is especially important in the holiday season, when the beach will have to put your body on public display. Everyone wants to demonstrate an elastic and pumped up press instead of a flabby and drooping tummy. Nevertheless, the bulging belly spoils life not only in the summer. Therefore, for many it is so important to know how to pump the bottom of the press.

Features of work on the press

how to pump the bottom press at home

It is believed that the bottom of the press is the mostcomplex in terms of elaboration. That's why you can get long-awaited cubes at the bottom only with the help of excessive zeal and labor. You need to know not only how to pump the bottom press at home, but also how to properly perform all exercises. It is necessary to approach this process with full awareness. It is important to properly concentrate and use the desired muscle, because after making a lot of approaches wrong, you just wear yourself out and overload your legs and back, and the press does not pump up at all.

How to pump the bottom press at home

Before you start working with the bottom press,you need to pre-burn the fatty layer, otherwise you will not see a noticeable effect for a long time. For this purpose, cardio-operations are perfectly suitable, for example, running or practicing a bicycle. If this problem is not relevant for you, then you can safely proceed to the exercises.

how to pump the bottom of the press

1. Lifting the legs.Lay down on the floor, place your hands along the trunk with your hands palm down. You need to lift the legs at a right angle. Take care that they do not bend at the knees. One approach contains 20 repetitions. To achieve the result, you need to do 3 approaches.
2. Twisting.The starting position is similar to the first exercise. Strain your abdominal muscles and tighten your knees as much as possible to the level of your chest, gradually tearing off the pelvis. When doing this exercise, consider the smoothness of the transitions. Legs should be raised only by the work of the abdominal muscles. Divide 60 repetitions into 3 sets.
3. Pulling the knees.Take emphasis on socks and forearms. Tense the muscles of the lower press and, lifting the pelvis slightly, bring the knee to the chest. To properly perform this exercise, try not to bend in the back.
how to pump the bottom press at home

These short but fairly effective exerciseshelp you understand how to pump the bottom press at home. In pursuit of a relief body, many people think that the number of repetitions is important, not the quality of performance. This approach is fundamentally wrong, since the whole success of a beautiful press depends on the concentration on the muscles. In addition, it is worth remembering: if you tear your lower back from the surface on which you perform the exercise, then the entire load will instantly move to the buttocks. It is very important to breathe correctly, breathing in - exercise - exhale. And, of course, do not forget about proper nutrition. Exclude flour, sweet and fried. There are a lot of different exercises for the lower press, but these three will be most effective and help you understand how to pump the bottom press at home. The main thing - remember, you can not pump only the bottom, in any case all the muscles of the abdomen will be involved.

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