They say stop the aging processimpossible, but this statement can be disputed, if you resort to the method of "Revitonica". There are practically no negative reviews about her, but positive ones say that she helped them find the oval of the face, remove the second chin, smooth wrinkles.
"Revitonica" is a physiologicala way to rejuvenate the face and neck. The action of the complex is based on osteopathy. There is a restoration of skeletal and facial muscles. It is easy to perform at home. It is a worthy alternative to plastic surgery, and in some aspects this technique is more effective. For example, when forming the jaw angle.
Complex "Revitonika" (negative reviewsargue that exercises aimed at the neck area cannot be done at home, but only under the supervision of an experienced osteopath) consists of certain techniques aimed at rejuvenating and reconstructing metabolic processes. Here, the balance of the front and back surfaces of the body is leveled, lymph drainage is normalized, a facelift similar to the lifting effect occurs, capillaries are restored, edema from the cranial aponeurosis is restored.
This technique has the following spectrum of effects:
The Revitonica method is a new look at the processskin aging. It solves such problems as fine wrinkles, double chin, sagging facial skin at a venerable age, etc. The complex is developed on the basis of the laws of biomechanics, biohydraulics and osteopathy. The whole system is aimed at the natural functions of the body's self-regulation.
The Revitonika methodology (negative reviews mainly say that it is sold at an unreasonably high price) is based on the following principles:
It is thanks to the release of tension from the muscles andskin rejuvenation occurs, the work of “Revitonica” is built on this. For each area of the face there are special exercises that equally effectively affect both women in age and young girls.
"Revitonica" (negative reviews about thismethodology left by those who do not do it regularly, but only from time to time) considers it their task to help women regain beauty and youth. Turn the aging process back. Moreover, this goal is achieved with their own hands. Anyone who wants to create his own face.
Sculptural fitness restores and rehabilitates the skin, face and body shapes. This is not a superficial result, but work with the entire biomechanical system of the body. This is an oval, jaw line, posture, etc.
Properly performed exercises allowFeel the result instantly. This is observed in lengthening the neck, reducing wrinkles, wrinkles, as well as restoring loose skin. The technique gives a lasting effect.
The Revitonika program (doctors saythat it really is based on a scientific approach and is a good alternative to plastic surgery), despite all its effectiveness, has contraindications. So, you can not carry out manual manipulations, if there is:
In case of any serious or chronic disease, as well as with general malaise, you must consult a doctor before starting classes.
The Revitonika method (negative reviewsargue that it is misleading people and it is impossible to achieve such results without plastic surgery) is intended only for conditionally healthy people. It does not eliminate the aesthetic defects provoked by a particular disease. If there are diseases that provoke swelling, then the complex will not give any result, and the skin will only stretch from excess fluid.
The author of the method, Natalya Osminina, does not recommend combining Revitonika with techniques aimed at muscle tone and pumping. Such a combination of exercises will only exacerbate the problem.
"Revitonika", reviews of doctors about her are foundonly positive, cosmetologists have successfully applied to themselves. They recommend it to their customers, because this is the first professional rejuvenation program in Russia based on the scientific knowledge of human anatomy. It has several advantages:
Unique technique working on the principle ofTensegrity, helps to reconstruct the myofascial balance of the epidermis. Relieves muscle clamps. Resists age-related skin changes. Forms the correct statics of the cervical spine. Allows you to rejuvenate the skin at any age, without resorting to surgery.
Technique for face and neck “Revitonica” (reviews about itsay that in just a few exercises you can remove the nasolabial folds) requires patience. Here we need daily work on our appearance. So, the first stage of the basic course recommends to start the rejuvenation process daily to engage in 1-1.5 hours for 1.5-3 months.
The Revitonika system (reviews about it say thatin a few weeks you can make the face contour more clear and remove the second chin) is described in detail on the official website. There is a section "Gallery of results". On it, people share their achievements in the form of photographs. Everyone can see what people have achieved with this technique, registration is not required for this. Such successes inspire and arouse interest in this complex.
There are also operating schools "Revitonika"(negative feedback about it is left mainly by competitors and people who have never been involved in this technique) in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Kemerovo and Yekaterinburg. Two branches were opened in Kazakhstan and one in Belarus. Only highly qualified certified teachers teach here.
The basic course (2 lessons of 4 hours) costs 18 thousand.rubles. Individual lessons (3 lessons of 1.5 hours each) cost about 25 thousand rubles. Group lessons aimed at the area around the eyes cost 20 thousand rubles, individual - 30 thousand rubles. Plastic modeling of the face - 5 thousand rubles (one procedure).
Прежде чем приступить к курсу «Ревитоника» (expert reviews say that this is a unique course and all exercises really work, and the result after their application can be seen almost immediately), you can get three trial free video lessons. Some educational videos can also be found on YouTube.
Exercises "Revitonika", reviews say about them,that they can improve posture in just a few lessons, can be purchased on the official website. Everyone is offered two fitness complexes - a basic course and a technique for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes. The first costs 4,500 rubles, and the second - 5,900 rubles. Special attention should be paid to the Teiping – algoritm teip technique (price 1700 rubles), which, with the help of a special patch, helps to solve a number of cosmetic problems.
Exercises for the face (reviews say immediatelyafter manual manipulation, small wrinkles are smoothed) and are affected by their effective effect. Many women noted that after two or three sessions, the nasolabial folds were smoothed out. After a month of regular classes, the second chin left, the oval of the face became clearer, the jaw angle stood out. Ladies note improvement in posture and neck elongation. They say that they lost up to five kilograms of weight without changing the diet. A waist appeared, and a massive chest became more feminine and fragile. The shape of the cheeks has noticeably decreased, swelling has gone.
All of the above results have been achieved.persistent exercises, which took place 1-1.5 hours daily for a month. Those people who bought the complex and did not do it all the time did not see any effect. Many refer to the high cost of the technique, and some note that after some exercises their cervical spine was very sore, and all manipulations in this area had to be stopped. They say that such a complex should be done only under the guidance of an experienced instructor.
Methodology "Revitonics" (reviews and resultstalking about her as a magic wand, thanks to which it was possible to reverse the aging process) requires regular efforts, without which there will be no result. Here, all work on his appearance justifies itself and helps to significantly rejuvenate your face and neck.