/ / Plaster is what? Putty and plaster - what's the difference?

Stucco is what? Putty and plaster - what's the difference?

Plaster is a composition that allowsto form a finishing layer. There is a word from the Italian stuccatura, which means lime, gypsum, alabaster. You can classify plaster by purpose. It happens:

  • conventional;
  • special;
  • decorative.

Description of the main varieties of plaster

Regular plasters are used for levelingwalls, the formation of an even flat surface for the subsequent application of thin-layer decorative coatings. These compounds make it possible to protect the facade from the effects of the environment.

plaster it

Special plaster is a mixture thatUsed in the role of a shielding insulation layer. This material allows to provide sound-absorbing, X-ray protective and heat-saving properties. As for decorative plaster, it is used for finishing the ceilings, walls, as well as structures, which allows to increase their aesthetic expressiveness.

Varieties and description of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a composition that can be classified into several varieties. Among them:

  • color;
  • stone;
  • the Venetian;
  • terrazitic;
  • silk.

Color varieties are suitable for finishingwindow and door openings, as well as internal walls. Stone stucco looks like a natural stone. The Venetian variety is like real marble. Terrazitic mixture is used for finishing facades and internal walls.

Features of silk plaster

Silk plaster is designed for interiorworks. It is not combustible, it consists of synthetic or natural fibers, does not accumulate static electricity, but can have different textural and color solutions. When applied to the surface of silk plaster does not form seams, the material does not crack when shrinkage, it is elastic.

plaster reviews

Silk plaster is a composition thathas the only drawback, expressed in low water resistance. However, if the surface after drying is treated with moisture-proof varnish, the composition can be operated in rooms with high humidity. This includes bathrooms and kitchens.

The most popular traditional plasters

The most common conventional plasters today are:

  • lime mixture;
  • cement-sand mortar;
  • gypsum material.

Lime solutions are used in carrying outexternal and internal works. The main advantage of this material is the speed and convenience of use, as well as high environmental friendliness. There are lime solutions and disadvantages, which are low strength compared to other materials.

interior finish with plaster

These solutions are made from river sand andslaked lime in a 4: 1 ratio. Cement-sand plasters are used for exterior and interior works. The prevalence of these mixtures is due to the cheapness of the material. It is characterized by a higher application complexity, but the coating is more durable than gypsum or calcareous solutions.

A solution of sand and cement is prepared inthe proportion of 4: 1. Lime or PVA glue is added to increase plasticity. If the technology of application is observed, the lifetime of the coating will exceed several decades. Cement-sand mixtures allow the surface to be freed from deep flaws.

Description of gypsum plaster

Interior plastering is usuallyis carried out with the help of gypsum composition. With its help you can achieve a smooth white coating. As the main disadvantage of this material is a higher cost in comparison with analogues. One can not help but note the weak vapor permeability, low strength and insufficient moisture resistance.

machine plaster

Manufacturers often trysave by adding to the gypsum plaster unfavorable to human health chemicals by type of asbestos. They give the surface a whiteness. But gypsum plasters allow to simplify the cycle of finishing and to reduce the time spent on the alignment process.

The difference between plaster and putty

Quite often, consumers areThe difference between plaster and putty. These are completely two different materials. In order to understand the difference, it is necessary to understand what these mixtures are, and what they are intended for. For example, plaster is a building compound, with which you can align the inner and outer walls, as well as ceilings. Putty is a building compound for smoothing the surface of walls.

Between these two materials there is a difference, itis that plaster allows you to level uneven walls and blockages, while putty can cover up minor defects, seams and cracks. Therefore, this solution is often used for finishing gipsokartonnyh sheets. The puttying differs from the plaster also in that it practically does not shrink.

plaster of the house

If you use plaster at home,then this will also save, since it is cheaper at the expense of large-fraction mineral filler. This mixture is much stronger than putty, because for strength in concreting, crushed stone is added to the ingredients. This is the right solution for plaster, because the strength depends on the filler fraction. This also explains the fact that this mixture is superimposed on a rather thick layer.

If you still can not decide - putty orplastering, it is necessary to deal with this issue in more detail. Plaster, for example, allows you to equalize the debris, ceilings and walls. If, however, you need to align defects, scratches, cracks and potholes, as well as chips, then you need to use the putty. When it is necessary to apply a layer more than one, then plaster is used, otherwise it is necessary to purchase the putty. Now it is clear that for the initial wall finishing, plaster is required, and only after that it is possible to start applying a putty that perfectly prepares the surface for gluing wallpapers or painting.

Positive feedback on the plaster "Bark beetle"

Plaster, about which you can readbelow, can be used by you for different jobs. For example, the species "Bark beetle", according to consumers, has many advantages. The material is strong, environmentally safe and reliable, because it is made from natural ingredients.

The composition is extraordinarily light, since it hasmineral fillers, which eliminates the load on the structure of the building. Consumers like that the material is resistant to weather changes. It carries direct sunlight and low temperatures. Do not be afraid of the "bark beetle" even hail or hoarfrost. Decorative plaster can be applied independently without any problems. After drying, it acquires refractory properties, and the original brightness is not lost even under the influence of ultraviolet.

decorative plaster

Caring for the coating, according to customers,quite simply. It can be washed with water, in which a small amount of detergent is previously added. Quite an important factor is also the fact that the layer does not create favorable conditions for the emergence and development of fungus and mold.

Home masters choose "Bark beetle" also for thatthe reason that it is quite difficult to damage, so you can clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner or a stiff sponge. Visiting the store, you can pick the right shade of "Bark beetle" from a huge range of colors. Usually this decorative composition has a white color, but afterwards the surface can be painted in any shade. Plastering of walls "Bark beetle" allows to save also, therefore the given mix is ​​so popular.

Features of machine plaster walls

Machine plastering of walls allowed to providespeed of work and saving the solution. The mixture is consumed in smaller quantities because it is saturated with air, and as a result, its volume increases. As practice shows, applying three layers on the surface with the help of the machine method allows you to save up to 9 kg of composition per square meter. Plus, the machine way is that manual mixing is replaced by a mechanical one. The mixture is uniform, due to this, there are no irregularities on the wall. It is quite easy to operate the machine, and the result will be high-quality and even wall finishing.

Application of plaster with own hands

If as a material for decoration you wereplaster is chosen, the work can be done independently. To do this, the surface is cleaned and primed, and after drying, you can begin to finish. The dry mix is ​​diluted, but do not mix the entire volume of the existing packaging at a time. The solution should be spread evenly with a spatula.

plaster work

The layer should not be thicker than the size of the granules.Textured plaster is applied in horizontal or vertical rows. In one pass, you need to capture the entire height or width of the base. Once the plaster has been applied, it should be left for 20 minutes for easy setting, only after that it is necessary to start the troweling, which should be done taking into account the desired pattern. Staining of texture plaster is carried out on a dry layer with the help of a brush or roller. The dye can also be added to the solution, and on the surface, the mixture is applied in a colored form.


Before applying the plaster surface can beadd beacons that will allow an inexperienced master to implement a quality alignment. If we are talking about internal works, the application of the composition is carried out in several layers. Fine-grained plaster is usually used for interior finishing. If among the ingredients contains a medium-fractional filler, then the solution is better used for finishing the facade. Most often plastering "Bark beetle" is realized in ready to apply form.

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