/ / Malakhova diet: rationale, rules and basic principles

Malakhova's diet: rationale, rules and basic principles

Malakhov's diet is not only veryeffective, but also reasonable. The fact is that its author by profession is a heat and power engineer. But for fifty years she tried to develop an effective and effective method of losing weight. She succeeded. She was able to link the professional knowledge and similar heat engineering principles that take place in the human body. It was on this basis that a diet from Tatiana Malakhova appeared. It is a unique method for burning fat, the main fuel in the body, and is scientifically, and not theoretically, proven.

The diet according to Malakhov is based on the following mandatory rules.

  • It is recommended to combine fruit and dairy products with zero fat content.
  • It is strictly forbidden to combine high-carbon and fatty foods.
  • Do not eat soy products and animal products.

In addition, the diet Malakhova implies thatwithout constant and intense inner work and self-conviction, significant results will not be achieved. Therefore, the author of this power system has developed life the principles They are recommended to be observed by all who want to have an ideal figure.

The first principle. We need to set a clear and unambiguous goal. To do this, a person must answer a number of questions:

  1. Do I really want to lose weight?
  2. What can I go to achieve this?

Very often, people are not ready to abide by the rightdiet is psychologically. They either cheat when they say that they are satisfied with their body, or they want to sincerely lose weight, but they don’t want to do anything about it.

The second principle.To achieve a real result, you need to determine your ideal, that is, the weight you want to have. Since the vague wording "I want to lose weight" will lead to the same vague result.

The third principle.If it was decided to follow a diet, then your body should not be given any concessions, and categorically follow clear prescriptions. The fact is that many people at some stages may deviate from the recommendations. But then they say that the diet did not give the result that was expected.

The fourth principle.Diet Malakhov obliges to enroll in the gym. Moreover, age and health in this case can not be a barrier. Since there is always an occupation, ranging from active shaping to yoga or exercise therapy.

The fifth principle.No need to succumb to the general fallacy that in the gym you can burn your calories after a hearty dinner. It is not right. Since extra pounds come with improper nutrition, therefore it is recommended to correct the main reason. A visit to the gym is necessary in order to “keep” the muscles and your body in good shape.

Шестой принцип.Be sure to refuse the "miraculous" pills that promise weight loss. The fact is that most people who use them often think that this is enough for the process of losing weight. Therefore, continue to eat properly, and, sometimes, even more than usual. It is believed that the pills still "work." Ultimately, the weight begins to "swim" more and more, because the body's metabolism is rapidly disrupted.

Therefore, the Malakhov diet is a methodleading to stabilization and improvement of the internal state not at the expense of "miraculous" promises. It allows you to pay attention to the system of proper nutrition, as well as the fact that you need to work on yourself daily, not allowing the body to "relax" by consuming junk food. In general, the author does not even offer a diet, but the right way of eating and the corresponding way of thinking. So - go for it.

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