/ / How to pump up the Brazilian buttocks at home?

How to pump up the Brazilian buttocks at home?

Every girl dreams of a beautiful, slim,tight figure and elastic muscles to please herself and attract the attention of the opposite sex. Buttocks - this is the part of the body that must be in good shape to give its owner femininity, charm and sexuality. If the muscles of this area are tightened, the girl will look great in both tight leggings or jeans, and in an open swimsuit. So, let's talk about how to pump big Brazilian buttocks.

Tips for novice athletes

To bring the body into shape, it is not enough just to perform certain exercises with a certain frequency. Remember these points:

  • You will achieve the best result ifengage in simulators. To do this, buy a subscription to the gym, to be able at any time to use the equipment. For tight buttocks, use an exercise bike, stepper, or treadmill.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to attend a gymhall, then the most responsible approach to the preparation of a set of exercises. Remember that physical activity must necessarily be combined with cosmetic procedures.
  • Exercises for Brazilian buttocks at home can lead to a noticeable result in a month, but on condition of their proper and regular performance.
    Brazilian buttocks
  • The optimal duration of one lesson is 1 hour, but if you cannot allocate that amount of time, practice at least 30 minutes daily.
  • Минимум четверть часа вы должны уделить dynamic exercises. This is necessary to warm up and avoid all kinds of injuries. In addition, the dynamics contributes to the burning of fat, this will allow the muscles to appear faster.
  • After the dynamic load, pay attention to strength exercises, aimed directly at pumping muscles.
  • Do not forget about stretching. This makes the muscles elastic, and reduces pain after the first workout.
  • Need to be engaged in a day. More often, it is undesirable to do this, since the muscles grow and acquire a tone at rest, that is, in the intervals between workouts.

So, these are general principles, and now let's proceed directly to the exercises.

Exercises for homework

Помните, выполняя любое упражнение, важно делать its correct, following all the advice. If your technique is incorrect, you risk not only not using the muscles you need, but also getting injured. Put on comfortable loose clothing, purchase a special mat for fitness and start to improve your own body.

Big Brazilian buttocks

So, let's take a closer look at how to pump up the Brazilian buttocks with the help of exercises:

  • Lie on your side. You must lie flat without losing your balance. Grip the floor with one hand. Do 10 lifts with each leg. Do the exercise slowly, feeling the muscles.
  • Lie on your back. Extend your legs straight and lift them up slightly. Do 10 full times, then do another 10 repetitions, but use each leg separately.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees. Your feet should stand firmly on the floor, your back should be flat. Lift the pelvis up. Do this 10 times.
  • Lie on your back and relax completely. Strain your buttocks and keep in tension as much as you can stand. Make 3 such approaches.
  • Put your feet to the width of the pelvis. Do 10 squats. In this case, you must have a straight back, and the heels should stand firmly on the floor.
  • Get on your knees, and put your palms on the floor, resting on them. Swing back. Repeat 20 times each foot.
  • Take a pose from the previous exercise. Without unbending a leg in a knee, take her back slowly. Do 20 repetitions for each limb.
  • Stand in a pose from the previous exercise and move your legs again, not back, but to the side. Do 20 repetitions on each side.

Massage: Brazilian buttocks

If you do all the exercises correctly, you will feel that the load is getting easier. In this case, increase the number of repetitions to achieve the desired result.

Quick workout for busy ladies

Если у вас не хватает времени, чтобы накачать Brazilian buttocks, whose photos you regularly see on the Web and want to achieve the same result, then use a quick workout that will help you bring muscles into tone:

  • Get on your knees and palms up against the floor. Straighten one leg and make slow strokes with a small amplitude. Do 4 sets of 16 times for each limb.
  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees, feet flat on the floor, and stretch your arms along the body. Slowly raise the pelvis. Hold the top position for a few seconds. Do 10 repetitions.
  • Do squats that have already been described above.4 sets of 16 times - this is the first step. It is advisable to perform this exercise with additional weight. For this fit dumbbells, and if you do not have them, replace them with water bottles.
  • From a standing position, put one foot forward,bending the knee at a right angle. Return to the starting position. Make 16 lunges on each leg. This exercise is also desirable to perform with additional weight.

Brazilian buttocks: photo

Such training should be carried out at least three times a week. In addition to exercises to bring the body into shape, developed and other techniques.

Massage: Brazilian buttocks

Massage that corrects the shape of the buttocks,reduces body fat and removes cellulite, is carried out in special salons. But you can master his technique and independently perform the procedure. It consists in intensively beating the problem areas and the vibration of the buttocks. Massage can be done with both hands and with bamboo sticks.

Stages of the massage

To massage gave maximum results, it is carried out in three stages:

  • Rubbing in the buttocks special cosmetics suitable for skin type.
  • Do massage hands, breaking the fat.
  • Continue the session with bamboo sticks.

How to pump Brazilian buttocks

This procedure leads to muscle tone. But you will not be able to get pleasure and relax, because the massage keeps the buttocks in tension and starts the muscular work.

Buttock lift

Lifting is a way to intervene in the body withoutoperations. This procedure is carried out in specialized salons. She quickly and almost painlessly tightens the buttocks, giving them a rounded shape and returning tone. Its only drawback is the high cost, but if you can afford to spend a certain amount of money, then consider this option as a way to return beauty and elasticity.

Home wrap

Wraps are an effective way to improve.skin conditions of the buttocks. To carry out the procedure, prepare a mixture of black clay, sea kale, black coffee, honey and a pinch of sea salt. Fill the mass with boiling water, allow to cool slightly, apply on problem areas and wrap with cling film. Wrap yourself in a blanket, and after an hour wash all the components with water. This method is effective if at the same time you play sports.

exercises for the Brazilian buttocks at home

Helpful Tips

Often in pursuit of the perfect body, we forget aboutthat healthy eating is the first step to chic shapes. Eat right, regularly, and drink at least 2 liters of water a day, and within a month you will notice how fit your body has become.

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