/ Bench for hyperextension. Back and press simulators

Bench for hyperextension. Back and press simulators

The main goal of people who play sports,supports the maintenance of muscles in tone and preservation of health. An attractive, toned look creates an texture in the abdominal area and the absence of excess fat deposits on the waist. To achieve such results allows such a highly efficient simulator, as a bench for hyperextension.


The bench for hyperextension is effective whenthe need to eliminate fat deposits, flabbiness and folds in the abdomen, bringing in a tone of the abdominal press. The simulator provides a thorough study of the muscles of the back, buttocks, thighs. Exercises on the bench stimulate the work of internal organs, in particular, have a beneficial effect on the state of the heart muscle and lungs.

bench for hyperextension

It is worth noting that regular physicalloads with the use of benches for hyperextension help to relax the nervous system, relieve stress, force a person to fully unleash his own moral and volitional resource.


Bench for hyperextension should havea rather powerful and even massive construction, since during the training the elements of the system are subjected to impressive loads. Of particular importance is the reliability of the simulator for users who have a lot of weight.

bench press

It is advisable that the bench for hyperextensiondiffered by the increased stability. This quality becomes invaluable when performing movements with high intensity and sweeping amplitude, as well as in the case of additional weight. The frame of the simulator should not slide over the floor covering, swing, detach from the surface. Therefore, before giving preference to a particular option, it is worth testing it in place.


Press bench must have upholstery,made of high-quality non-slip material. The optimal solution would be genuine leather or a good leatherette. Preference should also be given to synthetic materials that are resistant to tear damage, abrasion, and mechanical stress.

hyperextension for the press

The choice of a simulator with upholstery,made of hypoallergenic bases. Since during the exercise the area of ​​contact between the user's skin and the structural elements is large enough, contact with poor-quality material can cause unpleasant irritations.


Элементы, которые предназначены для фиксации limbs in a static position during exercise, must contain a durable coating. It is better that the press bench has rollers with a soft and at the same time extremely elastic filler, capable of restoring the former shape. Only in this case, you can provide increased comfort when performing exercises, avoiding the appearance of bruises and bruises on the legs.


A good bench for the press and hyperextensionnecessarily contains mechanisms that open up the possibility for adjusting the amplitude of movements, changing the angle of inclination of the frame, setting the foot supports in a comfortable position. Such opportunities contribute to the organization of classes for several users who have different body parameters.

bench press and hyperextension

Ярким образцом функционального тренажера Kettler Axos bench stands. The simulator provides comfortable conditions for practicing athletes that have different height, weight and need to perform exercises with different intensity.


In addition to the capabilities of the simulator, the value shouldattach to the manufacturer. It is recommended to give preference to products of famous brands, because only in this case can one obtain certificates that confirm the high quality of the product and open up the possibility for subsequent warranty service.

kettler axos

As noted above, special attentionAmerican bench deserves Kettler. Such manufacturers as Finnlo, Hoist, Interatletica also hold the first place in the manufacture of high-quality and functional devices for training the press and back.


Hyperextension for the press should be selectedbased on the width of the free space in which the installation of the simulator is planned. Based on this, you should pay attention to folding or solid structures. The first option has limited functionality, but is ideal for home use. The choice of the overall universal device of inconsistent type should be carried out at arrangement of the gym.


To perform backbends on a specialbench hyperextension, it is enough to place the emphasis of the simulator under the hips in such a way that the latter is just below the bend of the torso. In this case, the legs are placed on the platform and fixed with rollers. To perform the deflection was the most comfortable, you need to find the optimal point of emphasis for the hips.

When doing exercise, elbows are divorced inparties. At the same time, the hands should not be in the lock behind the head, because in this case, untrained muscles will receive an excessive load, which is fraught with injury. It is enough just to touch the fingers when breeding elbows.

kettler bench

Particular attention should be paid to the position of the back. It is desirable that the latter remained flat during the deflection. It is recommended to perform inclinations on 4 counts, and raising the torso - on 3.

For back pumping using a bench forhyperextension is necessary to take the position face down. In this case, the adjustment of the simulator is carried out so that the legs are in a bit of a limbo. Exercise involves the slow lifting of the body without tilting the head back. The lowering of the body is carried out on the inhale, and its movement to the upper position on the exhale. During back pumping, the presence of a partner who will keep the ankles in a static position is welcome.

Who is recommended to practice at the simulator?

Скамья для гиперэкстензии особенно хороша для novice athletes. Occupations on a usual gymnastic rug are capable to bring the whole mass of inconveniences. Increased discomfort in the spine, the lack of opportunities for reliable fixation of the limbs - all this can completely discourage the desire to continue training. Press and back benches are free from such drawbacks, so they are ideal for those who decide to keep their own body in good shape.

To be engaged on a simulator is recommended to teenagers.At this age, excessive vertical load on the back is prohibited, since the children's spine is still at the stage of formation. Exercises with the use of hyperextension open up the possibility for organizing trainings in a sparing mode, which contributes to strengthening the back and increasing the volume of muscle mass.

back bends on a special hyperextension bench

Скамья для пресса и спины выглядит оптимальным solution for athletes who are at the stage of rehabilitation after their injuries. Fine adjustment of the position of the structural elements allows for unhurried, systematic development of the damaged spine without the risk of further harm to the body.

Since the simulator is a universalmeans for organizing training, it is advisable to use as a means to perform the warm-up. This approach to the operation of the device allows athletes to quickly bring the muscles in working condition, increasing their elasticity before serious stress.


Based on the above recommendations, you canchoose a truly reliable, effective and safe simulator for organizing classes at home or in a hall. As you can see, to decide on a suitable option is not so difficult. The main thing is to objectively evaluate one’s own capabilities, to come to terms with desires and needs.

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